Harry's Ingenuity

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Chapter Ten


I was still alive, thankfully. Had no idea how and why but I magically morphed into a koala bear clinging tightly into Harry's spindly body which I also discovered can be used as a cushion as well.

"I think you broke my leg..."

Straightaway, I untangled myself from him and got up.

"Never going to catch falling girls, again," Harry snickers. "Never does me good."

There was a sound of light switches flipping on and Harry's head jerked upwards. Before I could react he had shoved me through the shrubberies growing on the side of the dormitory and pushed me up against the wall.

Harry clamped a hand over my mouth probably foreseeing that I was about to open my gob. He placed a finger over his lips before pointing up. The window from above us lit up and I froze when the matron leaned out. All our scuffling might've woken her up. And if she catches us, I would be so dead, seeing that we were only half a centimeter apart and squashed against a wall. I wouldn't blame her if she gets the wrong idea.

Harry was too close I could sniff his very expensive scent and I suddenly felt self-conscious. He probably smells better than me.

"Who's out there?" matron called out.

I held my breath, fearing she'd spot us. A mischievous glint passed over Harry's eyes and I was frantically shaking my head trying to discourage whatever idiotic idea was forming on his idiotic brain.

I almost died when the fool opened his mouth to let out a meow. That's right, you read that right. Harry Singer meowed, pretending to be some freaking stray cat. Whoever expected that the guy every naive school girls been drooling over was ¼ felis catus?

To my shock, I think matron may have bought that because she withdrew her head back in and shut off the lights and then everything else was quiet once again. We waited a few good seconds until Harry laughed out loud and pulled himself out of the bushes.

"Come on!"

Harry's skin appeared ghostly pale underneath the moonlight. He shot off ahead of me, throwing back his head and made this disturbing garbled noise that sounded like a deranged wolf baying at the moon. Lucky enough, there was a huge yellow moon up above us.

"You really are insane, you know that?" I told him to which he grinned and replied, "Oh, I know."

He took a shortcut behind the dormitory, cutting through the woods. I should've been sleeping peacefully in my bed right now but here I was trekking through overgrowth and woodland with an idiot I barely even know. Why'd I even put myself into this situation?

The cold had started to seep through my clothes thanks to both the chilly air and the damp ferns that were all over the place and kept on brushing against my legs. By the time we were half way deep in the woods my teeth were chattering like restless crickets. I paused to breath over my frozen palms just as a light mist floats down to meets us. Okay, mists are never a good sign.

"You're cold, "Harry noticed.

"It's the middle of the night and you just dragged me out of bed," I hissed at him. "How do you expect me to not be cold?"

To my surprise, he took off his coat and handed it over.

"Thanks," I say, a little uncertainly, finding his chivalrous act a bit suspicious.

"No problem," he says as he adjusted a spare coat that he's probably been wearing underneath the whole time.

"You wear two coats?" I asked.

He winks at me. "That's how ingenious I am."

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