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Chapter Twenty One (Rumors)


Next to the library, the cafeteria was my second place of solace. Food always made me feel better.

As I sat on our table alone, waiting for my friends, thoughts were running through my mind. I had no idea what just happened to me. I didn't like being on Dawn Dempsey's bad side. I've never been in anybody's bad side before. I felt miserable.

I heard laughter from across the cafeteria and spotted Harry Singer's table bunched with his friends. I groaned and looked away. The cafeteria wasn't fully packed yet so you can clearly hear everything from the other tables.

"Oh my God," says one of his friends. "I cannot believe this."

"Yeah, I don't even know why," I hear Harry saying. "It's weird. It's everywhere."

He shakes his head and laughs. "Told you, she really is dead obsessed with me," he says.

"Here, let me have a look,"

"Whoa, that's like creepy. Is she some kind of stalker?"

"It's awesome, but kind of weird at the same time..."

Sighing, I pushed myself up from the table and grabbed my tray. I don't think I still have my appetite. Heading towards the bins, I pass by near the 'popular table'. As I did, I caught sight of something that harry and his friends were passing along the table.

My blood drained from my face and I stopped on my tracks. It was my book.

I didn't understand. Why was Harry showing my book to everybody as if it were some kind of artifact the world needed to see? I could feel my privacy being prodded. It was as if I was being stripped naked, dunked on with a bucket of cold water, and placed on a center stage where everybody else could see me and laugh and point at me. I felt humiliated. And to top cherry on the cake, someone undesirable broke into the scene.

"Let me see that!"

It was Dawn. She sneers and rolls her eyes as she flipped through my book, tossing aside my book. My heart fell.

"Ugh, did you know that she, like, told everybody that you and her are dating?" she says.

"What?" Harry asks blankly.

"Yeah, she said it," Dawn says. "I know, she's desperate. She's been telling everybody on our year."

My blood boiled. Dawn Dempsey was pure evil.

"Jesus," Harry says. "She's not even my type."

"Whoa, that's some psycho stalker stuff going on in there," says one of the boys I don't know of.

I felt heat envelop my whole face. He promised he wasn't going to show my book to anybody else last night. But now he was making fun of me while his friends laughed along. He was a jerk, how could I have forgotten about that. Everybody knows that. Why did I let that slip off my mind?

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