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Chapter Nineteen (Friends)


As soon as I was inside, I felt nauseous. It could feel as if there were eyes watching us as we disturbed the place yet again. The corridors seemed to stretched longer and longer as we walked through. Thanks to my overactive imagination, I'm starting to think that there was some presence that didn't want us there and I kept on hearing strange muffled sounds as if somebody was whispering on my ear. It could've been just the wind, though.

Harry shines his flashlight around the walls and shined it directly right at my face. "So, what is it that you're looking for?"

"A necklace," I told him, turning away from the light.

"How do you suppose we can find it here?" he asked, peering at the dark and kicking at some unidentifiable rubble.

He got his answer when something caught in the light and glinted. He walks over towards it and returned with a silver necklace dangling on his fingers. "This it?"

I took it by pendant and inspected it. "Yes," I nodded. "Thank you. We should go, now."

He smirks and falls into step beside me, twirling his flashlight like a baton. "You know, I'd give you a locket with my picture on it," he says. "What's the deal with it anyway?"

I clasped my fingers around the cold metal trinket. "Nothing," I say softly.

"Oh, was it from a boyfriend of yours?" he asked and received a glare from me. "Not that you have one, anyway."

A loud scraping sound followed by a thud came from one of the rooms as we passed by. I looked at Harry, who just merely shrugged.

"I'd go check it out," he said, which was the worst idea ever in the history of ideas. "Stay here."

Now he was trying to be some sort of knight in shining armor hero. I rolled my eyes and trailed after.

He was leaning over and inspecting an old and dusty desk. I stood by his shoulder and looked, curious of whatever interesting he was looking at. He points at something scribbled on the dust that looked as if it were made by a finger.

"Leave," Harry read it out. "This... place..."


A shrill indistinguishable voice echoed throughout the room in unbelievable pitch, it almost made us deaf. I clapped my hands over my ears and was tackled down the floor by Harry when glass began to shatter everywhere.

A bright light shone and blinded me. My heart thudded wildly until I realized it was someone shining a flashlight directly into my eyes.

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