Chapter 6- Scarecrow

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I was walking alone around Gotham streets at night on a weekend and to be honest I'm fully aware that its a stupid thing to do but last tutorial was Jonathan's last day at our college and he gave me a card with a address on it so I'm trying to find the address. It was raining pretty heavily but it didn't bother me. I got to a alley and I saw some men run off and Jonathan was stood there, he wiped his face before turning to look at me.

 I got to a alley and I saw some men run off and Jonathan was stood there, he wiped his face before turning to look at me

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"Jonathan...who were them men?"I asked him confused before rushing over to check if he was hurt. "I'm fine Lauren."He said walking past me, he sounded angry and he starting to walk down the street away from me."Where are you going?"I asked him trying to keep up with him."Go home."He said practically ordering me."What's your problem?"He stops and turns to look at me with a sigh."Go home."He repeats himself losing his patience."No. I've walked here in the pouring rain and I'm soaking wet! And I'm not sure if you've realised this but we aren't in a therapy session or one of your classes so I'm not going to do what you say Jonathan!"Jonathan sighs and looks over at me."What is a stupid girl like you doing out on Gotham streets alone in the rain and dark anyway?"He asked slowly approaching me."I..."I gulp and look up at him."I came to see you..."He nods down at me."And what for?"I step away from him and my back hits the alley wall."I was worried about haven't been sleeping..."He encloses the gap between us both practically trapping me between him and the wall."You're so foolish..."I gulp up at him."Are you afraid?"He asks with a grin looking down at me."No..."I said keeping my eyes hooked on his. He was rather frightening in the dark. He leans down to my ear before whispering."You shouldn't chase after things you don't understand."I nod to as he pulls away and smirks."It was nice to see you again though."He says before backing away from me and walking away in the dark.

My body slides down the wall, trying to get myself together as he leaves me on my own. After a few minutes I managed to stand myself up."Is everything alright?"A man in black asked me as he jumped down from the rooftop.

"Urgh you again? Are you gonna lock me back up in Arkham again for no reason?"He stays stood completely still

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"Urgh you again? Are you gonna lock me back up in Arkham again for no reason?"He stays stood completely still."Of course not."I huff and start to walk."You shouldn't be out alone at night..."I stop and turn to look at him."I'm aware bats."I call back to him."If you see a man in a brow mask, run and cover your mouth."He says before shooting something in the air and disappearing into the nights sky. I shrug and start walking home.

Once home I get a shower and then changed into some grey joggy bottoms and a short navy blue vest top, I was home alone, my parents had gone to see My brother. After watching a few episodes of big bang theory I felt strange, like something was watching me, so quickly I jumped out of bed and walked out onto the dark and cold landing, quietly because unlike the idiots in horror movies, I ain't gonna call out, Hello? I'M not that stupid. First place I checked was the Kitchen-

Empty...The living room...Empty

A firm hand grabbed my shoulder and I grabbed it, twisted it and threw him over my shoulder they landed hard on the ground with a loud thud."Ow!"A familiar female voice let out and another more squeaky female voice laughed from behind me."Oh shit! Sorry Ella!"I apologize quickly." did you get out of Arkham and into my flat?"I turn to see a blonde Jester stood behind me.

"Mistah J's men got transfered from Blackgate and helped us all get outta Arkham!"Harley says while grinning

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"Mistah J's men got transfered from Blackgate and helped us all get outta Arkham!"Harley says while grinning.

"Right...and what are you doing here?"Ella sits up off the floor."I thought we could pay you a visit!"I nod slowly."Where's Ivy?"Harley tilts her head."She's with Lex, gathering up some new plants."I nod at them."Right..."Ella stands up and huffs."What's got you on edge?"Ella asks curiously."Nightmares...nothing important."They both nod."Well, meet us tomorrow night near the GCPD."As they start to leave I look confused."Where near the GCPD?"They grin."Believe me you'll know when you see it!"

A few minutes after they left I got myself dressed in some black skinny jeans, black vest top and leather boots. I needed some fresh air, I was taking my usual route around town which is basically all the back streets, it was cold but at least it had stopped raining due to it being late I didn't take my headphones. I stopped in one of the alleys and took a deep breath, everything was becoming too much. I wasn't there for long until a familiar and demonic sounding voice snapped me out of my trance."Awh poor little girl all out alone."I turned to see a tall man dressed up in a suit with a brown mask over his face.

This was the man Batman had warned me about, he told me to run but he was already too close for me to run

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This was the man Batman had warned me about, he told me to run but he was already too close for me to run."W-Who are you?"The masked man tilted his head."Oh I think you already know who I am..."I gulped and nodded at him."Scarecrow..."He let out a evil chuckle and I began to back away and the man released a gas into my face before I could cover it and I began coughing and panicking, it was like I couldn't breath he chuckled down at me darkly."Where do you think you're going?"I looked up at his mask that was now covered in what looked like maggots and panicking, I fell to the floor, I tried to take deep breaths but breathing was so difficult it was like they burned."Maybe I should give you another dose."The demonic voice chuckled before releasing more gas. My vision began to darken before I fell unconscious.

Song for chapter---

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