Chapter 17-- Get out alive

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"Are you sure this is going to work Eddie?"I question with uncertainty ridden features. I'd had to take my mask off for the cables from the machine. Scarecrow was in control of the electrical charge of the electroconvulsive therapy machine while me, Edward, Croc and Ivy were all tied up. My blue eyes watched as scarecrows needle covered fingers traced the control lever skeptically, his eyes would occasionally glance to me, they were filled with a unreadable emotion. There was something playing on his mind."Absolutely. For us anyway, the chance of it working on Croc is relatively small due to his thick scales."Edward answers from beside me. I watched as Chloe's eyes stared down Scarecrow with hatred, she still hated him but now wasn't the time. She turned to see me staring her down and she quickly turned her attention to something other than me or scarecrow. The man I'd recently come to know as Jack went around to us all, placing rubber blocks in our mouths to stop us from biting on our tongues. After a few moments, Edward nodded to Scarecrow who seemed almost hesitant to flip the control switch but once the switch was flipped, vlotz of electricity fried our brain, I'd had this done so many times you'd think I'd be used to it but I'm not. Scarecrow turned the power off but Edward nodded for him to do it again and again he did. More voltz of electricity surged through our brains. Scarecrow turned off the switch once again and finally, it was over. We all sat back dazed by the electrical voltz.

Chloe's POV

I'd been sat back watching scarecrow. His behaviour seemed off, I'd say he was almost frightened if I didn't know who he was. I went around helping Jack take the rubber blocks out of everyone's mouths and removing all the cables from everyone. That was until Jack leaned in to whisper something to me.

Lauren's POV

After I was able to stand, I placed my mask back on and grabbed my weapons and strapped them in again but as I leaned down to pick up my baseball bat, a needled covered fingers coiled roughly around my wrist. My blue eyes shot up to meet scarecrows glowing eyes."There in here!"A voice yelled from the outside of the shock chamber."Shit we're surrounded."Chloe comments from next to me and Scarecrow. Ivy cracks her knuckles and flicks her hair from out of her face."We can take them."Ivy's smooth, sensual voice practically purred out. The door crashes down and a team of guards storm through the door, guns aimed on us all. Scarecrow pushes me behind him defensively which causes my eyebrows to furrow in confusion."Crow.."I breath out but he ignores me. Chloe just looks at me sympathetically, she knew something. I wanted to know what. Everyone went on their defence."Give it up!"The lead guard yells from behind a riot shield. Everyone on the team looks to Croc who cracks his knuckles."It's time for meat."He growls out as he charges at the team. Chloe grabs a gun that Jack had thrown to her and starts firing at the squad, Ivy starts channeling vines to attack the men, she managed to compel some of the men with her pheromones. Nygma was beating some of the men with his cane, which seemed to shoot out all types of little contraptions. Scarecrow joined in, spraying toxins at his victims and making them enter his world. He expected me to sit back and do as I was told but I wasn't missing out on this fun, the men he'd gas, I'd smash their faces in with my baseball bat or blow their brains out with my magnum. At first he didn't seem to like my disobedience but the more we fought, I started to hear demonic and mischievous chuckles come from him. After a tough fight, we finally managed to take down the guards."We need to get out of here before the bat turns up."Chloe finally perks up after the final guards knocked down. She wasn't wrong, we needed to leave.

We fled down the halls of Arkham, frantically searching for a safe exit which we eventually found out to be a sewer drain. Me, Chloe and Ivy were forced down by Scarecrow, Croc and Ed first but while awaiting for them, something happened."GREETINGS DARK KNIGHT!"We heard Edward yell dramatically from the drain. I rushed for the drain but Ivy and Chloe held me back."No, Lauren, we have to go."Chloe exclaims while pulling me back, Ivy had already fled now that she knew she was a free woman."I can't leave him."I yell while attempting to fight against her but she was right, I had to leave."He'll find us after, he tracked you down here. I'm sure he'll be able to do it again."Chloe informs me as a attempt to convince and reassure me. I eventually stopped fighting against her and just went along with her.

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