Chapter 20- I surrender

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One more dose of toxin for you and another for you...Me, Harley, Chloe and Ivy had ambushed Banes men near Gotham courthouse. If this wasn't going to get their attention then nothing would.

"It's a good job Ivy made us all immune to toxins!"I hear Chloe yell out from behind me.

I turned to see Chloe choking a man to death with her whip, Harley was riding one of the guys shoulders like he was giving her a piggy back ride whilst she shot others with a firework gun. Ivy was stringing men up here and there with vines whilst giant plants destroyed the buildings around us.

Jonathan's POV

"There's been a mistake! Take me to Bane! Where is Bane?"

A man called out as he was pushed into the court and shoved into the rather cozy looking chair.

"There has been no mistake Mr. Stryver. You are Phillip Stryver, Executive Vice President of Daggett Industries? Who for years has been living off the blood and sweat of people less powerful than him."I proclaim to the people of the court.

"Call Bane...I'm...I am one of you."Phillip replies, fear filled.

"Bane has no authority here. This is merely a sentencing hearing. The choice is yours, exile or death?"I continue to proclaim to the court.

All of mine and Banes men start cheering away to themselves. You're probably wondering how I got here...Well after Lauren left Gotham I searched everywhere for her, breaking the mind of anyone in my path but in that process, I got thrown into Blackgate, only to he broken out by Bane which is who I'm now working with.

I snapped myself out of my little trance and slammed the hammer down on the stand.

"Okay...Okay...Exile."The man cowers out.

I blinked a few times to register what he'd just said before I slammed the hammer down again.

"Sold! To the man in the cold sweat."I declare to everyone.

I watched as they carried him out to the ice and another of Banes men came tumbling through the room, covered in blood and trembling in fear.

"C-Crane..."The man whimpered out.

"What is it?"I called down from my seat.

"Harley Quinn, Manic Chloe and Poison Ivy are outside slaughtering all your men..."He trembled out.

"I wondered where they had been since the breakout."I mumbled out to myself."Ah well, let them have their fun. If it gets out of hand Bane will deal with them."

"Your--Girlfri--Lauren's with them.."He stammers out.

I couldn't help but perk a brow at his words before I shook my head at him and slammed my hammer down.

"Lauren left Gotham over a year ago! Sentence this man to death for false accusations and delusions."I proclaimed loudly.

I watched as he was carried off, trembling in fear. Hm, he'd had the life scared out of him.

Lauren's POV

I couldn't help the manic laugh that escaped me as I finished smashing one of the mans brains into the concrete with my baseball bat.

There's nothing to fear other than fear itself- Batman fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora