Chapter 16- Arkham breakout

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My baby blue eyes slowly flickered open to darkness, everywhere. Not one tiny bit of light."Oh geez I haven't been kidnapped again have I?"I whine out to myself with a childish pout in the darkness. I hear a laugh erupt from nowhere which sends a shiver down my spine but not out of fear."Oh no! Did they get you too Eddie?"I giggle out to the darkness only making numerous laughs erupt from the darkness."Lauren, we haven't been kidnapped. We're on a plane."A voice is come to recognise as Ivy's explained to me."Oh..."I breathe out feeling slightly stupid but also not caring much.

Scarecrows/ Jonathan's POV

"They aren't that far..."I breathe out to one of my new henchmen, I actually liked this one. He was very smart, he did his job but he also carried some whit with him."Doc, you kinda killed him."My new henchman Jack points out while looking at Zach's corpse that lay limp in the chair."Ah well, he was conspiring against me since I blew the others brains across the room. His fear led him to be disloyal, not only will I not stand for fear filled workers but I also won't settle for disloyalty."I explain to Jack who just nods to himself while mentally noting. My phone buzzes with a text from one of my henchmen Andrew, saying that he had one of the belle reve guards. A evil smirk made its way onto my lips."Come along Jack. We have more fear to induce."

Lauren's POV

"They're going to drop us from the sky in these mental containers? We'll be crushed."Ivy speaks up and I chuckle to myself from my container."What's up Ivy? Scared?"I tease her from the darkness of my container."Don't vex me Lauren."Ivy growls out only getting a laugh in response from me."Ladies, Ladies!"Edward speaks up while clearing his throat."The containers will open and the chairs have built in parachutes."Jervis explains before Edward can, I forgot he was even here."What about crocodile rock over there? He must weight a tonne, he's going to fall to his death."I speak without thinking and I hear Nygma laughing at my sentence."I take back my statement from earlier, once we're out of this container, you're mine."Croc growls out earning a chuckle from me."Hey! It ain't my fault gravity ain't on your side big guy...or calories..."I mutter the last part of the sentence to myself with a smirk on my lips."Alright! Knock it off Lauren."I hear Rick bang on my container as he spoke."Tetch is right, the containers will open up and there is built in parachutes that will activate. We will be dropping straight onto Arkham bridge."Rick explains to the team before abruptly saying."I'll see you down there."A weight pushed my body up in the container and wind blew through the smallest of holes. I could hear screaming coming from Croc, Nygma, Tetch and Ivy. Whereas I couldn't stop myself from laughing. After dropping a few feet the containers flew from around us and down I could finally see. Everyone's parachutes had activated other than mine and I was falling, still laughing but falling rather quickly, until someone grabbed me. I looked up to be met by a green covered arm, he pulled me up and I held onto him."You're welcome."Nygma cockily said while I held onto him."Thanks..."I whispered out, still kinda shocked.

Soon enough we landed and Nygma let go of me and I saw a very angry crocodile making its way towards me."Now croco! Calm down!"I yell while dodging the car he threw at me. Rick and his team still hadn't landed yet."Don't make me fight back croco!"I yell at the crocodile which seemed to not be stopping."I'm going to rip the pale juicy skin off your bones."Croc growled out as he made his way closer to me."If you insist."I spray toxins into the crocodiles face causing him to stumble back, fumbling with his eyes. I grab my metal baseball bat which I'd dropped on the floor and smash it straight into crocs knee caps."You should really learn to have some manners towards ladies!"I scream out psychotically as my metal bat smashes into his knee caps, Croc drops to the floor screaming."Should we intervene?"Edward questions Ivy and Tetch, Tetch puts his hands up as if to say he'd rather not and Ivy just simply says."Nah, let her get her anger out."After repeatedly smashing my bat into his stomach, someone finally grabbed me around my waist and pulled me away from the beaten Crocodile."Seriously Lauren! You've been on the ground for less than five minutes!"Rick finally says when he releases me and looks at my now blood stained Scarecrow costume."Well he shouldn't have thrown a car at me."I say whilst folding my arms like a child and walking away with my bat on my shoulders to stand with the rest of my team."Did you just take down that crocodilian wrestle on your own?"Edward questions with a amused grin forming over his pale complexion."Well Scarecrow doesn't keep me around for nothing ya know!"I reply to him with a wink as I head in front of everyone and head towards Arkham Asylum with a prance in my step.

There's nothing to fear other than fear itself- Batman fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang