Chapter 7- Regrets

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I woke up in a ominous dark room the only light I could see was coming from the tiniest gap between boards that looked to be covering a window.

I tugged on my hands that seemed to be tied to the arms of wooden chair, I attempted to scream but it only came out muffled. My mouth was covered by duct tape.

Eventually all I could do was cry...This was it, I was going to be tortured and killed by Scarecrow. NO! I could fight, I can get out of this. Those thoughts left as quick as they came as I felt the floor boards creek and a shadowed body spoke from the darkness."Remarkable..."The voice mutters from the other side of the room."Truly...I'm astonished..."He comments again as he takes a step forward. All I could do was watch the shadow with narrowed eyebrows, his voice sounded somewhat familiar. The figure approaches the chair and I'm able to make out that its scarecrow by the mask. He kneels down in front of me, observing me closer, my breathing and heart rate was normal and I wasn't showing any signs of fear towards him. I just gazed into his blue eyes that were the only facial feature I was able to see. He looked back for a moment before sighing and moving his hand up to my face, he peeled the duct tape off my mouth before standing up and taking a step back."Who are you?"Were my first words when I was able to speak again."Scarecrow..."He says in his demonic voice again, what happened to the normal voice."Yeah I got that part but who's behind the mask?"He didn't answer and moved across the room to where a briefcase was lay on a table. I watched how he moved around and avoided my question, he seemed so...familiar...

"You intrigue don't seem to be effected by my toxins, you recovered very quickly..."He says with his back to me. I just listen to him with no idea what he's talking about."Can I go now?"I ask him with a perk of a brow and he lets out a dark chuckle before turning to face me again, approaching the chair slowly with his hands behind his back."First tell me something..."My eyes keep on his mask for a moment before glancing to his hands behind his back."Well I'll tell you whatever you like after you tell me what's behind your back."He chuckles again before kneeling down to be level with me. He reveals a needle with a clear liquid and I gulp, I can practically feel him smirk at me through his creepy mask."Now, you tell me something..."He whispers through his mask and my eyes hook onto his, his eyes reminded me of someone else's."What do you want?"I say with a serious expression without taking my eyes off his."I want to know what your fear is..."His question makes my eyes widen...How couldn't I see it? It was so obvious."Jonathan...."The masked face tilts his head at me mentioning his name."It's you...Jonathan Crane...Why...why are you doing this to me?"His body shoots up and he steps back, making it obvious he's been caught out."Jonathan...Let. Mee. Go."I order him and he pulls his mask off his head and I slam my eyes shut, not wanting to look at him. I feel his presence in front of me."This wasn't supposed to happen..."He mumbled before placing his hand over my tied up one. I feel a needle go into my neck and once again everything went black.

The worst thing is...I already forgive him.

song for chapter--

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