Chapter 19-- A lot can happen in a year

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I couldn't stay with Harvey, not after what Chloe had told me. I've been missing for a whole year and obviously, a lot has happened between then and now...a lot has changed.


"If you're staying. There are rules."Harvey's voice rasped out to us all.

"Of course there is."Scarecrow mutters out to himself.

"This is my warehouse. No bringing trouble here and giving away my location."Harvey starts off in a louder tone of voice.

"Us trouble? What would even give you such a idea?"I playfully commented.

Harvey didn't say anything else and seemed to just walk away from us but he gestured for Chloe to follow him.

"Now, since we're alone, how about you tell me what Batsy was on about?"I'm quick to question Jonathan.

Jonathan doesn't say anything but he slowly pulls my scarecrow mask off to look at me closer.

"Jonathan, you're scaring me..."I mumbled out nervously.

"How does it feel?"He whispers out to me.

"I don't know..."I whispered back in reply.

"Your fear is what makes you mine."He whispers darkly against my ear."Remember that next time you start to get too close with your fellow teammates. You're mine."

"I know I am."I whispered back, almost submitting, a gulp following close after.

He pulls away and wonders off into the warehouse, leaving me stood alone, confused yet filled with adrenaline from the fear that had just been slowly building within me.

"Lauren. I need to talk to you. I know something and it's important that you know too."Chloe calls over to me as she approached me.

"What is it Chloe?"I finally managed to get out once I'd recomposed myself.

"Belle Reve did tests on you when you were in there. You came back positive on being pregnant."Chloe slowly tells me.

I feel my stomach slowly drop inside. I couldn't be, could I? Not after everything I'd been doing. I couldn't still be could I?

"Here. You can even test yourself if you don't believe me."Chloe tells me with a heavy sigh.

She was holding out a pregnancy test with emotion filled eyes, wanting me to take it which I did.

"Jonathan already knows. A doctor from Belle Reve told him when he was searching for you. Jack told me because he knew Jonathan wouldn't tell you, he's in denial about it."Chloe whispers out to me so that nobody could hear.

"If I am. I'm going to have to leave, I can't have it. He'd never let me. I have to get rid of it. I'll go and stay with my brother out of Gotham."I whisper back to Chloe as a tear trails down my cheek.

Chloe couldn't do anything but give me a quick hug.

"If you leave, I'll pretend that I didn't know anything and I won't tell him where you've gone so he won't find you."Chloe backs me up on my decision.

"Thank you."I thank her in a sincere tone of voice.

I move to the nearest bathroom in the warehouse and read the instructions on the box, two pink lines was positive and one pink like was negative. I sat myself down on the toilet and took the test. I had to wait a few minutes but there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"I called out in a clear voice.

"Lauren it's me."I heard Jonathan call back from the other side of the door.

There's nothing to fear other than fear itself- Batman fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now