Chapter 15--The suicide meeting

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Scarecrows POV

"I'm not going to ask again..."My voice was low and threatening as I circled the tied up doctor. Dan and Zach stood beside him with guns and their faces covered."I've told you, I don't know where the prison is...nobody really does."The doctor whimpered out in fear. I pulled out a syringe with one of my concentrated doses of my special toxin."Okay! Okay! Wait...There's rumors of a new team being assigned by Amanda Waller to break into Arkham Asylum...that's all I know."I let out a dark ominous chuckle before sticking the needle into his neck."You've failed your job, now suffer."

Lauren's POV

I was lay on the floor of my cell staring at the ceiling when the armoured men came charging through to my cell."Guards on your mark."One of the men yelled as they surrounded my cell, I kept my eyes on the ceiling for a while before I sat up and gazed at them in boredom."Hi boys, can I help you?"I say in a playful tone as one of the guards approach my cell door."Your to be transported for your job."The soldier look a like says in a serious tone as he unlocks my cell."Oh really? And If I don't want to?"I test and all the guns seem to aim at me causing me to raise my hands in submission."Okay! Okay be cool! I get it, I'm only kidding with ya!"I say as I head to the cell exit. The soldier look a like handcuffs me.

After being placed in a restraint jacket and wheeled through to some doctors with needles I began to panic."And here I thought being scarecrows girlfriend you'd be used to these."The blonde soldier look a like mocked as they came at me.with the needle, after a painful injection, I finally decided to reply."I'd watch your tongue soldier boy or someone might just cut it out."I chuckle mischievously while grinning."The names Rick, not soldier boy and we'll see."He says as the doctor injects me with another needle and I pass out.

I woke up in a bright room to the sound of chatter. The floor which I was lay on was stone cold, literally. After my vision cleared from the bright lights, I look around to see four more people...well three and a crocodile? I grin at the sight of one familiar face."Pammy!"I exclaim as I sit up seeing the green skinned red head who was also still in her prison uniform."Oh you're finally awake, for a moment I thought you were dead and buried."The red head said in her still seductive tone of voice."Nah not quite yet."I smirk at her before I here banging on the door which was coming from the crocodile's direction."Hey! Ya mind keeping it down!"I yell to the loud crocodile who just simply turns to snarl at me. The brown haired guy sat in the corner reading perked my interest."Riddle man!"I exclaim as I rush over to the reading man. He looks over at me and smirks."Ah! It seems you aren't yet dead, I'm sure that won't last much longer."Nygma points out with a confident smirk on his lips."Charming, oh yeah! I forgot you were a asshole."I smirk until I feel someones gaze on me. My gaze moves to meet the long haired guy sat near Edward."Jervis?"I question as I make my way over to him. The Riddler, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc and The Mad Hatter...what was going on? Before I could make it to Jervis rick entered the room with some soldiers and a IPad."Seriously Rick?"One of the men says as the whole of our little circus crew gathered around them."Right, Now. You've all been told what your goal is. Your shit is there."Rick points at the boxes that some of his men had placed in the room."Suit up."Rick orders.

I approach the box with my name on it and open it to find some of my old gadgets that had been taken off me when I was sent to Arkham. There was my all black cat suit, my knives, my eye masks and makeup. I roll my eyes at the old get up, it's been done too many times and it was time for something new."Oh my gosh!"I gasp as I see the costume that I had been working on when I was captured in the box. It was a ripped short brown vest top that revealed my pale stomach with ripped brown jeans, bandages and a mask with a built in gas mask that was detachable, just in case Ivy's toxin immunity thing wore off on me."Really?"I heard Ivy say as she approached me while pulling a long green glove up her arms."Yeah really, you gotta problem with my new suit or am I going to have to weed kill your ass?"I sass as I pull out my baseball bat from the case."Now, Now ladies!"I hear Nygma exclaim as he approached us in his green question mark covered jacket and pants. I let out a playful giggle as I started dressing in my new costume, the costume was similar to Scarecrows new costume with the built in needles in one of the gloves and a tube for the toxins on one arm. I grab out a knife and shove it in my belt along with my revolver. The needles still had some of the toxins left in them, thankfully and there was still some of the gases in the cases too.

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