Chapter 13- You're all so screwed

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((Warning, Cursing, sexual scenes and rape..You have been warned.))

So a lot had happened...Let's just say that this whole war hadn't gotten any of us anywhere good. Some of our friends were killed...Like Lex and Ella. Now I was back in Arkham, my relationship with scarecrow wasn't exactly private anymore, everyone knew who I was now.

*The night of the arrest*

A bomb...A giant toxic bomb, that's what I'd planted with the help of my boyfriend of course. Chloe wasn't getting away with getting my friends killed, So I was going to wipe them all out."Lauren this is getting ridiculous! Just stop this and hand him over!"Chloe screams at me as I stand in the middle of the rain soaked street with the detonator in hand and a gas mask on."What's up Chloe? Getting nervous now? Are you too afraid of facing your fears!?! Let's face it...You blame yourself for everything that happened to ya family! Do ya really think killing Johnny is gonna change anything?"I say in a mocking tone of voice while I stand holding the detonator in one hand and my other hand rested on my hip."You want the detonator? Come and get it then!"I scream at her and she lunges at me only to be knocked down by a flying object."Wow...I'm a magician! I didn't even have to do anything..."I smirk to myself while I look at the batarang that was being held by the dark knight himself."Drop the detonator Lauren..."Batman says in a serious and warning tone of voice."Tempting Bats, But I think I'll pass! Besides, what type of message would that send, huh?"I say while I send him a cheeky wink as I slowly nudge Chloe with my black leather boot."Damn she's out cold! What are those things made of?"I ask with a wide grin on my black painted lips. Batman paces trying to find a angle to attack from."This is your final warning Lauren. This is no game. You and Crane are going away for a long time for this."Batman says as his blue eyes watch my movements like a hawk."Yeah...Yeah...Maybe. You see, Unlike you, we have friends and friends tend to help each other out. So no.matter how much you try to get rid of us, we'll just keep coming back!"At those words Batman had lunged forward, knocked to the detonator out of my hand and pinned me to a car by my neck."Like a virus..."I whispered as I gripped to his hand that was holding me by my neck."You were a good girl once, Lauren."Batman says as he lifts me up and handcuffs me."Yeah, who's fault is it that I ain't anymore? Who didn't listen batsy?"I whisper to him before giggling like a maniac.

*Back to reality*

The reputation had really paid off. I was now in a maximum security cell...well...cage. Let's just say I'm not the nicest person to my guards. Speaking of which, heres one now."Hiya Dave...come to play with me?"I giggle at him from behind the bars as he approaches."You put ten of my best guards in the hospital last weekend. No one is coming to play with you darling."Dave says with a grin as he firmly holds his gun."Awh well ain't that a shame! How are the boys holding up?"I ask him in a sarcastic tone of voice as I lean on the bars."What have I told you about leaning on the bars sweetheart?"Dave whispers to me as he looks at me with a serious gaze."Well you're too scared to do anything about it."I whisper back with him with a psychotic grin on my lips."You're crazy but let's have some fun."He grins back at me and after his little gathering about twenty armed men rush to the cage, I hold my hands up in the corner."Whoa, Whoa! Okay! Okay Be cool! I'm harmless!"I say before grinning and punching the nearest guard, grabbing his gun and using it to knock out the next closest, they all swarmed me and dragged me out of the cage, trying to stop me from squirming and kicking my legs.

After a giant fight they'd finally strapped me down into a chair. A new guy came into view before he whispered to me when was looking."I have a message from Scarecrow. He said he'd see you soon."I start giggling before bursting into full blown laughter. A new medical man came into view to place something onto my head, I stop laughing and look at him seriously. I knew all the doctors here...who's this guy..."Who are you? I don't know you..."He ignored me and pulled out a needle."Hey! You! I'm talking to you!"He chuckled at me before showing me the needle."Do you know who this girl is?"The doctor asks the new guard who gulps at him."Yeah...she's Scarecrow's girlfriend..."He mumbles and I laugh to myself again before grinning at him. Dave smirks to himself before placing something for me to bite on in my mouth."That's right. She's also a lot more crazier than him...which makes her reckless. She never seems to learn from this punishment."The Doctor grumbles as he looks at my previous notes. If I didn't have this bitey thing in my mouth, I'd laugh at him."Shock her..."The doctor orders as his apprentice flips the switch. The second he flips the switch my body begins to tense and jolt, I scream as volts after volts of electricity fries my brain. The doctor gives his apprentice a signal to stop as he watches me intensely. As my breathing evens out again, I start to laugh while keeping the bitey thing in my mouth."Again..."The Doctor orders and the new guard looks on edge, I knew he was reporting in with Jonathan. The apprentice flips the switch again and I go through the pain once again. After a while he tells them to unstrap me. As they push me back to my cell in a wheelchair, I start to laugh before I say."You're all so screwed!"I start chuckling to myself before the new guard yells to me."What do you mean? Lauren?"He yelled but I didn't answer him, just laughed more."Lauren!!"

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