The Day I saw Them

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I never understood why it happened. It was all so sudden, too sudden for me to be ready. It was the apocalypse that had suddenly came and destroyed my happy, easy going life. It broke me and drove me a little bonkers, but I had to survive somehow.
My past life as a normal kid was all kept in my pocket of my jacket my mother had made for me...
Oh how I missed my moms...
I can still remember it like it was yesterday.

" Get the swords honey!" Mama said and mom went and did just that as I watched in fear. I was barely a teenager at the time and I was simply paralyzed by the events taking place. The house shaking, the lights flickering, the screams and cries of people everywhere.
What was worst of all was the growling of those disgusting creatures, it sent shivers down my spine.

Then, there was a banging on the door. It was definitely about to be broken down.
If mom wasn't a nerd, we wouldn't even have all these real swords in the house. My mama handed me the dual swords and I just stood there legs shaking. That's when they came in attacked. My moms fought fiercely while I stood motionless.
" Lloyd!! Do something!"
" Get out the way!"

Their voices were whispers and my sight were only of blurs. I was weak back then. Fragile, scared, and stubborn.
And on my journey to become stronger I lost them. I lost them because I was stubborn and I was weak and scared. But I was no longer fragile. No not anymore. Even now I lack any type of fear. I just want this all to be over. For it all to be a dream.

It just happened to be the quiet part of the day when no demons came to run amuck. When no human came to try and rob me or threaten me. I just sat there reminiscing my life and putting myself back together so I wouldn't become a homicidal maniac. My dark green eyes scanned the parking lot I sat in munching on chips and to my luck nothing moved. The only audible thing was me crunching on my bag of chips.

Then there was thunder. A sudden thunder followed by lightening. I hurried over to the part of the parking lot where I could see the sky. I expected some sort of tornado or horrible epidemic to be brewing. Alas, it was just a bad storm. My luck.

I sat back down watching the rain watching the water fall like the lives of people. Dead little souls, sad little tears. That's what I saw. But what I heard.

Little feet. I turned around, looking, sniffing. I smelled something. Perfume? Was a girl here?
I heard little feet shuffling again, but it was behind me this time.
I turned around to meet a pair of red eyes. I was right and wrong. It was a girl, but she sure as hell wasn't human. I could tell from her armor, her eyes, her sharp teeth. But her lips curled into a nervous smile as my eyes met hers.

" Oh! Hello there!"
I scratched my head awkwardly and just gave a little wave. I didn't know if she was friend or foe.
" You seem pretty lonely out here in the rain."
" No, I'm actually quite fine out here."
" Ah. Well then, I'll still be here to watch... It's been forever since I saw it rain."

The mysterious girl reached out to touch the water falling from the sky with a sigh.
" Is there something you wanted, miss?"

" Miss? I'm not that old!" she pouted, sticking her tongue out at me playfully. I couldn't help but laugh to myself. She was just really cute.
" Well to be honest..." she continued.
" I just wanted to revisit here. I misses the way the Earth looked."
" Me too... It uses to be so beautiful..." I frowned and watched the rain again.

" It was... But never mind that. Who are you?" she asked curiously, dismissing the conversation as if there was something to be sad about.
Which there obviously was.

" I should be asking you the same question." I stood up and put my hand out forward in a friendly matter. " My name is Lloyd Albern. What's yours."

The long haired lass shook my hand happily, but she sure gave a strong hand shake.
" My name's Damiana."
" Damiana? That's a pretty name for a pretty face like yours."
And just like that her face became a tomato as she nervously mumbled a thank you. I couldn't help but compliment her. She was the only friendly person I met in the past year. All others had died one way or another.

Several minutes of small talk had passed when without warning there was an earthquake.
" Uh oh! I gotta go!" Damiana shrieked as she jumped up to return from where she came. Right when she was about to leave she was met by four very buff and tall people. I hid behind a car to ensure my safety from whatever force they were.

That's when I realized...
Damiana is a horsemen, the fifth horsemen. That's why she looked human, but wasn't. That's why she knew about old human culture, but not recent things. Her brothers and sister all walked in grandly as their youngest sibling nervously began to speak.

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry I know I wasn't suppose to be he-"
" No sorrys. No excuses." The shortest horseman, Death, scolded. " It's time to go home and be grounded."
" What?! Grounded?! No! Anything, but that!" Damiana whimpered.
" We told you to stay in your room."
The red, bulky warrior War added in.
" You disobeyed us, so now you will suffer."

I wanted to come out and say it was my fault. If she didn't talk to me she'd probably leave after a while without them noticing she left. But I'd be killed wouldn't I? I heard that Strife fights with bullets. He'd easily shoot me before I could spout a word right?

" Wait," Death said. " I sense a human."
Damiana immediately got up pushing Death towards the door.
" Human? What? I thinking you're bugging Death. Let's just be on our way so I can get on with being grounded, okay?"
Her nervous little smile barely convinced the others but the flaming Fury decided to side with her little sister.
" We should just go back. Maybe we should let this slide as well. Remember, she did live her for a while. So she misses it."
Death groaned. " Fine let's go."

As they entered the portal I laid down on the ground letting out a huge sigh of relief. That girl saved me. I couldn't believe it but I did. She saved my life. And she's suppose to be the Antichrist? I think I'll just see her as Damiana instead. Maybe... Hopefully...
I'll see her face again...

Right when I started to daydream I heard the growling.
" Oh shit."

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