Return to the Council

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Alas, the council would still not get off my ass till I was dead. It was stupid and annoying to have to constantly flee from the horsemen or witness Death get injured by his own brothers and sister. Every time he's around Niko runs to him with glee shouting
" Uncle Death! Uncle Death! Do the thing."
" Only if you promise not to get scared this time." Death uttered trying his best to hold back his annoyance with the child. He used magic to entertain him while I went to go entertain a certain you know who. As I entered our temporary bedroom I noticed her grim expression." My princess, what's wrong?"
Her reddish pink eyes looked up at me slowly, then she shook her head.

" Well..." her voice trailed as she got up off the bed where she sat.
" I'm tired of running Lloyd. And I'm tired of Death getting beaten up for us!" She clenched her fists as she angrily let out her worries.

It's not like this was the first time she yelled at me.
" Well do you want me to do, fight them?"
She stopped herself for a second before mumbling.
" No..."
" Well, then that's all we can do to protect you and Niko."
" But Lloyd! Last time Strife almost shot Niko."
" I'm fully aware of that."
" We need to negotiate with them, dear."
She didn't know.

" But Dami..."
I still haven't told her.
I was afraid it'd break her heart.

" But what?!"
" The Council will leave us alone if I fight your eldest the death."
" W-what?! You've gotta be kidding me!!"
" I'm not Dami... That's why we've been running. They want us to fight."
" And that's not happening."
" Of course not!"

Dami stormed out the room.
" DEATH!!! BIG BRO!!" she shouted.
I ran after her, confused to what her anger will drive her to do.
" What is it?" the skull masked man questioned, ceasing his previous magic show for a second.

" Take Lloyd and I to the Council."
" But Da-"
Now that was the type of scream a mother would have right before they whooped their child, but ten times worst.
The whole damn building shook and Niko got scared from his mothers' yelling.

" I'm the oldest you know, so you can't just tell me what to do."
" Well do you wanna look like a crack head or a badass, Death?"
" A badass of course."
" THEN, let us through so you don't keep getting effed up!!!"

Death grunted before finally giving in. I had the worst feeling in my chest about this, but it couldn't be helped.
We arrived back by the giant talking rocks several minutes later. Death had to watch Niko for us because if he came with us he'd surely be slaughtered. I wouldn't be able to stay sane if he died.

" So the fifth horseman finally decided to come home." one of the rocks said.

" Yes, but not for long! Tell my brothers and sisters to stop trying to kill my son!"


" A curse."

" H-he's unheard of..."

" So he needs to be slain as soon as possible."

Damiana shook her head and stomped so hard the ground had an indent in it.
" Well that is NOT happening! You bastards need to stop trying to tear my family apart!"

" We're not tearing you're so called... family apart."

I growled as they kept spouting a bunch of bs.

" What do you mean it's all my doing?!"

One of the heads cackled.
" The horsemen don't like humans. And they kill demons. So they especially don't like you."
" That's not true." Dami piped up.
She couldn't stop my blood from boiling though... It was already too late.
" Matter of fact. No one likes you. Once we get rid of you the Anti-Christ will get over you in I don't know... A century or so?"
" That's not true!! Llloyd don't listen to them.
 I was slowly approached these idiotic idols the horsemen feared looking at them in disgust.
" I bet your dead mother and whatever humans that were unfortunate enough to raise you are probably relieved that they're long gone and away fro-"

The sound of gunfire. A loud bang. A noise you'd here when playing with sparklers. Then the pain of getting burnt by fire. I dived upward and struck the middle head with all my might. It managed to crack the rock slight, but by then the horsemen arrived, minus Death.
Strife shot a bullet towards my way and missed, but Fury grabbed me and struck me onto the ground.
My wings ached. My everything ached. Right when I was about to get up Damiana was standing in front of me.

" We don't have to do this guys! We don't have to fight!"
" Step out of the way sister." War commanded as he trudged towards us.
" We don't want you to get hurt." Fury chimed in. " So we must annihilate him."
" But you don't! He's done nothing wrong!" Dami's eyes were filled with tears and she turned to the only one who didn't say anything yet.
" S-Strife?"
He stood there unresponsive. Did he not want to kill me? Was he being forced to do this?

" NONE OF YOU CARE WHAT I WANT!" Damiana shouted, scaring the living day lights out of me.
She drew out her weapon and cried.
Dami started swinging. Left, right, and every so often she'd try to pounce on one of them.
They refused to fight back. Only Death was the one who had the guts to discipline her.
" Stop Damiana we-"

" Four years isn't a-"
The angry mother did a back flip and landed on War's back.
" Save your excuses. "
My eyes widened and I finally got off the ground. 
" If you guys really care about. If you guys are really sorry you'll stop me from what I'm about to do."
She was gonna back flip again...Into the molten lava and I wasn't gonna let her do that!!

" Damiana please."
She mocked them.
" Damiana please. Bitch please, I'm so tired of running away from you all and I'm tired of not being able to sleep at night because you want to kill my lover and my son."
I leaped forward once I saw her feet leave from War's broad shoulders. I'm  gonna let her-

" Stop it you." Fury didn't even try to get Dami. She used her whip to stop me instead.
" I'M NOT GONNA LET HER DIE YOU FUCKING MONSTERS!!" I broke free from her grasp even though my leg bled heavily. It wouldn't stop my wings from flying. She was about to actually reach the lava by the time I swooped down to save her.
" Baby, are you alright?
She looked me in the eyes with nothing but tears.
" No no no... I'm not alright honey..."
As I ascended to the sky the horsemen were stuck in place. I didn't understand why.
Was this the power of the council?!

More silence...

Fury finally spoke hesitantly.

" It's not that we want you gone Dami. It's that we want him gone. He's the bane of our existence."

" Ugh, not you. Shut up Fury." Dami turned to the gunslinger. " Strife. Why?"
Without even looking up at us he responded. 
" The Council controls us Dami. Watchers...control us. If we say or do one thing out of line we get punished. Some of us can handle it....While others can't."
As I flapped my wings I noticed a weird figure appear by Strife with the most evillest of grins.
" I'm gonna go rogue."

" WHAT?!" Fury and War exclaimed as Strife finally looked towards us.
" If Death can deal with the pain. So can I. It's not like you guys wanted me round anyway."
" That's true. Just go Strife. Don't ever come back."

Dami suddenly smiled, even though tears were still in her eyes. I gently wiped them away.
" Finally. I knew you didn't want to do it."

one of the Council's heads screeched.
And that was our cue to leave.


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