We're Stuck Here

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Any type of relief or thought was drowned in screaming. Drowned in our screaming as the horse we sat on ran at full speed to some unknown realm. This time we clutched each other in fear of where we were being taken. In the dark of knowing of what were to happen.

" We're gonna be in sooooo much trouble!!!"
" Hey! At least you won't be getting in trouble alone!"
" But you might die!"
" Who cares! I lived... a life."
" A life? Not even a good life?"

Right before I could answer we hit the ground. The horse neighed and rested, not leaving our side.
" Ow..." I cracked whatever bones I could and helped Dami up again. We stayed close to each other confused to where we were for a second. Then I realized.

" It's a beach?" I looked behind us. Trees. Lots of trees.
" An island?"
" We're on Earth?"
I nodded with a relived smirk.
" Yes, thank goodness... Will your brothers find us easily here?"
" I... don't know... Let's just enjoy what little peace we have now."
" Well, ok."

I sat on the sand looking at the sunset. Somehow the hours had passed so quickly that it was almost night time. It wasn't like I had a sense of time anyway but man. This was beautiful.
Dami sat next to me, but she hugged her knees to her chest.
I looked towards her and asked
" What's wrong sweet cheeks?"
" S-Sweet cheeks?!" her whole face became a bright red but I couldn't help but laugh at how amazing cute it is.

" Yeah, it's your new nickname since your so adorable!" I smiled at her and she began to ease up.
" T-thank you but... Come up with a different name! I wanna be badass, not adorable!"
" Well then how about Princess Badass? No, wait, Princess Power?"
" Pfft. Princess Power? What type of lame name is that?"
" I don't know. I was never good with names."
" Ah."

There was an awkward silence until I moved closer to her. It was time for all of my mama's training to go into effect.
" But ya know. Damiana is such a pretty name I don't think I should even try to think of a nickname for you."
" D'aaaw stop it!" she giggled.

" I can't help myself. You're just that beautiful, so beautiful I think you might secretly be a princess!"
Dami blushed more and tried to hide her flustered face.
" Aaah geez!!!"

She gave playful little punches to my arm as I just laughed it off.
" Lloyd is a pretty cool name too ya know."
" Ah, why thank you. I treasure this name you see."
" And why's that?"
And why's that?

Those words echoed in my head.

" Well, it's some what of a long story."

" Well no need to wait to tell me!" She laid on her belly, brought her hands to her face and her eyes to my eyes.
" I wanna know alllll about you!"

" Haha, me? A silly, little human? Why would you be interested as something as pathetic as that?"
" Because you aren't pathetic. I'm the pathetic one."

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

" Dami don't day such things! You were the one that took the blame for things, got locked in your room for what, days? Aaand you got my sword from that Death dude!"

" But I'm still burdened with being the Antichrist and I have to sit here and see people die."

She started hugging her knees again and she turned away from me as if she were about to cry.

" Why do you want to talk to a creature like me?"

" I'm a creature too you know. Or at least I feel that way..."
I looked at the sand and started making sad little drawings in it with my index finger. It was so warm, like tears.

" How so?"
" I'm adopted. I don't know who my real parents are and to be honest I don't care. To me my real parents were my moms."
" Moms?"
" Yeah, I got adopted by a lesbian couple. I felt happy I did but man I wasn't treated right by anyone at school..."

" Oh geez, I remember going to school. Hated that damn place!"

" Same! But... I..."
I picked up a handful of sand and tried to keep myself together. I breathed in and out and just let some of it out.
" I sometimes wonder who I really am... These past years I've been a murderer and a thief. Before that I was a son and a thing. I don't know for sure if I'm human or not but. But with you."

I let the sand go and scooted my tush towards her so I could look at her. I lifted her chin and wiped her tears that she tried to hide.
" I feel sane. I feel human. And in my eyes you are human too. No matter what they say."

" You don't know-"
" And I don't care. We'll probably get to know each other now. That's why we're stuck on this island right?"
She didn't reply.
" Well either way. I'm not gonna let you beat yourself up. We need energy to fight together. Not fight ourselves. Okay?"

I wiped another tear from her eye as she nodded.

Growling. Prowling. Then screeching.
I jumped at ready and alert with both swords in hand. Man, I missed using both of these swords. Dami got her weapon ready as well.
" You ready?"
" Pfft, I'm always ready."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Two weeks later...

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