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" A baseball bat?!" Damiana cocked her head confused. " i don't think a steel baseball bat will be enough for our little Niko."
" But he's little! We can't give him anything too dangerous." I folded my arms defensively.
" Well, how about this. He can use the baseball bat now and later we get him something like... A sword!" her eyes sparkled, but I just sighed.
" But he's a long distance fighter baby! Shouldn't we get a spear?"
' Yeah, I guess that could work too."

The door creaked as Niko peaked in. " C-can  i come in?" he asked in his tiny little baby voice. 
" Oh sure son, what's up?"

" Where's grandma?" Uh oh.

" To be honest, I have no clue." And her not being here as she usual was wasn't good.
I looked at Damiana worried to death.
" Do you know?" She only shrugged and looked back at Niko.
" Where was the last place you saw her?"
" She was sleeping mommy. But I don't know now." 

The apartment building shook violently as I rushed to the window to see what came crashing down. 
Alas, it was something, it was the horsemen.
" Oh god not again!" I hissed as I picked up Niko and started to make a run for it. " Come on Dami!" 
She followed close behind me but once we got into the staircase we ran into Strife.
" We're not here to hurt, you this time."
I drew my sword ind defense anyway. I don't trust them.

" What do you want this time then?!"
" We want to test the hybrid. And then and only then will we accept you and the hybrid."
" The hybrid. Really?! He's Dami and I's son. He isn't some experiment."
" Well, he is to us." Strife chuckled. " We'd gladly bust a-"
" Don't you finish that sentence." I commanded sternly. " He's only 4. "

I looked back at him and Niko's dual colored eyes stead at Strife as he wondered and feared who he was and why he  made me angry.
" If you want your succubus mother to live you must meet us in what you call Times Square in the next 30 minutes. "
" But-"

" No exceptions. Goodbye."
With that Strife jumped out the window in the staircase and joined the other horsemen. Of course Death was missing. He told us countless times he wants nothing to do with this problem and he'll only help us when he can. But damn...where is he right now?

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" Mommy? Daddy?"
" Yes, sweetie?" we reply simultaneously.
" Is Grandma gonna die if I don't pass the test?"
We both hesitated and looked in opposite directions.
" N-no I don't think she'll die... I hope." I hugged my shoulders in fear and Damiana just comforted him.
" Don't worry Niko! you'll do great!... With whatever you have to do."
We finally got to Times Square. I gasped at the sight before us three. 

Demons. Everywhere. And my mother was chained to a cross int the center of all the monsters. War appeared next t her and looked up at us.
 " In order to be worthy, the hybrid must slaughter all these monsters and save the succubus before she dies from being burned to death."
Burn to what?!
" If you or Damiana interfere, we will have Strife kill the hybrid immediately."
NO! No... This can't be happening!
"Send the boy down here. Now."

I looked at Damiana with the most conflicted and upsetting face I ever had in months. This is complete bonkers! He's only four! 
" Lloyd..." I turned toward the voice still completely nervous, yet angered.
" What?!"
It was Death. He had... a gift?

" This is for Niko so he can fight." I took the naginata he offered to us and handed it to Niko.
" Think you can do this little buddy?" I asked my son with my lip quivering.
" Yeah! I promise I'll save grandma dad!"
I patted his back weakly. " That's my boy! Now go get em!"
As Niko hopped down and started fighting the monsters he feared, War lit the cross on fire and I could hear my mother squirming from far away.

I looked away. I couldn't watch.
" Baby, you okay?"
" ...No."
" Niko is going to save your mom don't worry."
" I can't just not worry Dami! He's only four! This isn't even fucking fair! He's only four!"
I kept telling myself this over and over.
" At the age of four I wasn't even in school yet... I don't know why he has to experience something so awful."
" I'm sorry Lloyd... Things aren't how they used to be."
" I know, I know..."

The flame got close to my mother's feet now and Niko had about a dozen more monsters to kill.
" Come on Niko!! Hurry!!" 
He looked up at me when I said that and nodded killing even faster, until he was face to face with a monster way bigger than him. He stopped. He was scared. I knew it! He couldn't do it!!
" Damiana he's not gonna make it!! What do we do?!"
She was panicking to, pulling at her hair all frantically.

" I don't know!! I don't know!!"
I turned to Death as my eyes watered.
" Please.... Please do something..."
Even with the mask on, I could feel sorrow and a frown from from underneath it.
" I'm sorry..."
The monster struck Niko down bruising him greatly. THe other small monsters ran towards him and his naginata was somewhat far away from him.

My mother.
She was on fire.

 The fire quickly crawled from her feet to her waist to her face. The gag in her mouth prevented her screams from being heard, but I could hear them. I could feel them.
She couldn't squirm much so she just suffered and burned to death.
" NOOOOOO!!!! " I cried. I jumped down and Dami immediately tried to stop me.
I took my two swords and cut through all the monsters catching Niko in the process. Strife tried to shoot my son,, but he wasn't fast enough. He shot a demon down and then shot my arm, yet I kept going. I was so ANGRY. 
I couldn't blame my son. I couldn't blame my mother. I couldn't blame anyone but myself.
I shouldn't have let this happen...
NIko of course was crying too. He just saw his grandma get burned to death, which is the worst thing for such a young kid to see. Death went to go fight the others while Dami summoned Betrayal. We left Niko's weapon behind.
" Baby hurry!! We need to leave!!"
" I know!"
I know...

I don't know anymore.
What has life come to be? 
Why did it have to be this way?

Beginning of the End - Darksiders Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें