The Silence

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A/N Guys I am soooo sorry! i was typing the end of this chapter before I fell asleep so it literally made no sense so I changed it. Hope y'all enjoy it now.

" Mother...?" I called for her uneasy at the thought of having a parent again. It's been years ya know, and I barely know my actual mother for the two days we spent together catching up. We were also trying to figure out how Dami and I could meet again. Every day she teased me about her though.
" Yes Lloyd?" She flipped her reddish-pink hair and turned towards me with a weak grin.

She really didn't want to face the horsemen again. I could tell from the fear in her eyes every time I brought them up.

" I need to find Damiana."
There was a silence as her eyes became full of malice.

" Why do you talk about her all the time? Don't you know what their kind does to people?! To their own people even!" she snapped.

" I know something's that her brothers had done, but she didn't know mother. I just care about her. A lot."

" Well, I think she does. You better lose those feelings boy or else your going to be a dead man."

I snapped right back at her. Who does she think she is? She's 19 years too late to try to lecture the son she should've taken care of.

" Well, looks like you're gonna have a dead son. Because I love her."

" Y-you WHAT?!"

" You heard me. I won't repeat myself."

I waited for a thwack to the head or a smack to the face. I waited for something, anything, to happen. But instead, she just broke down and cried.

" Why?... Why her? Don't you know what she'll do to you?"

" Do you know anything about her, mother? How much have you really heard?"

Silence and more quiet sobbing.
" Yeah I thought so."

I wanted to show sympathy, but she said the wrong things at the wrong time. I was stuck on that island with Dami for more than a month! More than two months I believe and during that time I saw the true her. The one not everyone got to see. So, I won't listen to what people make her to be.

" Do you know of Muriel and of what happened to her? She's Damiana's mother."

" M-Muriel?!"
I simply nodded, curious of the sudden surprised look on my mother's face. She cried even harder.

" Then we do need to look for her... Oh my son.. I'm so sorry..."
I went to comfort her, still confused and worried what had happened.
She just kept whispering " I'm so sorry." over and over as if her life was a lie and she had done sins thinking they were good. I just didn't understand. I don't think I ever will...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The walk to the horsemen's whereabouts was awkward. My mother barely spoke and I didn't really want to speak. I didn't want to tell her about that little something... I didn't want to know how she kept us on that island and I didn't want to know whatever evil deed she did to Muriel.

I just wanted to see Damiana. I wasn't in tune with my emotions anymore. Isn't it strange? But I didn't care, no matter how hard I tried. I just wanted to see Damiana and kick Death's ass for everything he's done. War was gonna get it too, but Death comes first.

When we finally saw the horsemen, to my great surprise Dami wasn't there. But that's my fault for forgetting that they always lock her in the house.
" What's wrong, my child?"
" Dami isn't here..."
" What?!"
" Shh!!"

I saw Strife turn around and look in our direction. I don't think he could see us, hopefully. As we hid, shaking slightly I heard Death bark at his brother.
" Strife is something the matter?!"
"...No, brother it's nothing."
" Well then stop standing and move faster!"
" Make me."
" Oh, I know how to make you!"
The two horsemen quickly drew out their weapons ready to murder each other. But the way they argued seemed like little children.
It was silly.

I could see my mother holding in her laugh and felt like I was about to die.
" Come on mother, let's go before they find us!" I whispered.
She simply nodded as we crawled away.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

" Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair!"
There was no response of course until I broke the wall to her room.
" Lloyd!" she shouted smiling.
" I've come to rescue you my princess!"

" We're gonna get in soooo much trouble!"
" Well hey, it's better than staying bored in a house."
She jumped out of the hole in the wall and into my arms. I spun my cute little princess around kissing her as she giggled.

Instead of watching me, luckily, my mother went to fix the hole in the wall so no one would notice.
" Alright kiddos! Let's go!"

I smiled, but stopped, still holding Dami.
" Go where?"

" To Earth I guess? It seems like the safest place right now."

" Tch, Earth?! Safe? What about where you lived?"

My mother stood silent looking at me then at Dami nervously as she fumbled her fingers, hoping her long nails would cut her.
" U-uh, well son. You know since I'm a succubus I-I-"
" Nevermind, I don't wanna-"

" Lloyd! Let you're mom speak!" Dami hissed.
With a sweet smile my mom nodded
" Thank you Dami. Now, let's get to Earth first."

" As you know. I'm a succubus. So most of the time I get people to do things for me by... you know..."

" Well I don't blame em cause you're thick as fuck!"
" Dami!"
"Cause you're thick as fuck!"
How dare she curse in front of my mom. I groaned, but I mean. It wasn't that serious.

" Oh, er, thanks I guess?"

" So you kept us on that island by...?"

It was silent again. She must really have done some bad things that she cant talk about it.

" Maybe this is a better question" Dami began " How does Fury know you?"

Silence silence silence...
We waited, with as much patience as we could, but I could see the impatience in Damiana's face.

" I'm so sorry about your mother..."
" Hm?... W-Why?"
" ...The Dark Prince, Lucifer. He did favors for me sometimes, but of course they were for a price... He used to dress me up like her sometimes and..."

Anger, disgust, but huge amounts of sadness overwhelmed me.
" Don't tell me you sold your soul-"

" I didn't. But I'm still ashamed. And Fury saw me dressed up as Muriel once. I had been beaten that night for not wanting to do it anymore, but he dressed me up anyway. When I came to I was myself and Fury just looked at me with disgust. Without but a single word."

" Then... why did she spare you?"
" Maybe she pitied me.. I'm such a fool but I just wanted to see my son again and make him happy and-"
Despite all that, Damiana still hugged her and I slowly followed.
She kept mumbling little sob stories.

" Zacrieal came to me once... I saw what happened between Zacrieal and Lucifer....that deal...and did nothing... I still have trouble not asking for favors from people... I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry."

There was  still Silence but followed by quiet sobbing.
The Silence seemed to comfort us all as if it were forgiving us for our sins.
Nothing would get much better from here.

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