New Objective?

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I pet my son's hair gently as he slept peacefully. He was so perfect and I was so happy. Damiana to was sleeping with her perfectly round face. I smiled as I stared at them both as we sat in our little hiding spot on Earth. 

" My son, how are you feeling?"
I looked up my mother, surprised that she was still awake.
" Oh, hey I'm feeling great! " She laughed as she sat by me.
" Ah, that's wonderful. I'm happy you're happy about this child."
" Were you happy when I was born?"
" ...Well... I wanted to be. But you know, I wasn't suppose to have a kid."
" Oh..." But then she hugged me tightly with a smile.
" But I'm super happy everything went well for you and that you're still alive!"
" You're welcome...." A raspy voice said.

We both turned around to the voice that entered the broken down room. He collapsed as I got up and ran toward him while my mother stayed by Niko and Dami.
" D-Death?!" I shouted, but in a whisper. I helped him up wanting to question him, but there's no questioning his deed. He saved me and Niko. When he got onto his feet he stretched and I saw his wounds all bloodied and large. " Death are you gonn-" He patted my shoulder and shook his head.
" I'm fine I'm fine. Let me just go look at the baby."
He limped over towards my sleeping babies and sat down as my mother stared at him with fear. 
She then glared at me as if she wanted him to leave, but I only mumbled " It's fine, he's fine."

" But... Why did you save me?" I finally managed to utter.
Death coughed and shook his head again as if ashamed of me. He probably is I mean, he didn't like me to begin with!
" They suspected you two might have bonded a bit too much, but didn't question it." He began
" They just wanted Dami out of our hair of course and I didn't particularly like you at all!"
Even though he wore a mask I could feel his eyes glaring at my face ready to kill. But he didn't want too.

" But our sister Damiana liked you... She liked you a lot! And if anyone were to take away that happiness or worse... If they were to kill Niko she'd hate them forever."
Death looked saddened at the thought of it and I guess Death was more like a father to Damiana. He just wanted to protect her and keep her happy. That's why he didn't let her join them on missions and always kept her home. She was the youngest, the baby of the horsemen. 
" I'd never be able to forgive myself if something happened to her. That's why if you do anything to harm her, I'll never forgive you."

" Of course. I'd never let anything happen to her!" I replied faithfully. " I love her too much to see her hurt."
" Good answer, combian. Now, I'll take my leave." He looked at Dami and Niko once more and got up.
" Wait Death! Where are you going to go? Aren't the others going to hurt you?"
He only laughed to the statement.
" I'm the eldest. They can't kill me and I'll make them obey me some how. For now, my objective is to keep you all safe. Your little...child shall grow and be powerful. And only then will he be accepted. For now I'll pretend like he's some kid you found on the streets."

" But... what if the others find us?"
" They won't. Trust me. Now just take care of Dami for me."
He began walking again , but he stopped once more to look at my mom.
" And you. Please take teach and protect these idiots for me." 
I wanted to go and roast Death, but I just smiled and shook my head.
" Thanks."
" Pfft, don't thank me yet."
And with that he left.

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" Papa Papa Papa!!" I turned towards him as he ran towards me.
" Look what I can do!"
My little 4 year old walked over to the broken car and lifted it up with his hands.

" Whoa Whoa Whoa!! Niko put that-"
"-down." I pinched my nose as the car exploded in the distance and monsters ran to attack.
" A-ah! Daddy!!"
I simply walked calmly to Niko and knelt down to him as Damiana shot down from the sky leaving a crater in the ground.
I picked up my son and said " Now watch your mother son, soon you're going to have to fight them like we do."

Even though he was four he watched as Damiana ripped those fiends apart creating quite the gory mess.
" B-but dad. It's scary." He nuzzled his nose on my shoulder and held onto me tightly. I only gently patted his back, trying to comfort him " We were all scared at one point in our lives. But these are bad guys. We have to beat them so they don't beat us." 
I put him down as I saw one of the creatures running I motioned for Damiana to stop running as I knelt to Niko's height again. " Now son, do exactly what you did before, but throw it that way."
I pointed towards the creature and fear still filled his eyes. We've tried this so many times these past months and each time he'd chicken out. 

However, this is the first time he had super strength so he can do it... I think.
Niko took his lil baby steps to a nearby street lamp and uprooted t from the ground. 
" Alright Niko. One... Two... Th-"

The creature was sent flying! It went so far that it became the size of an ant within seconds.
Niko started tearing up, but he was smiling and jumping up and down. " I did it daddy! I did it!"
Dami went over to him and picked him up again kissing his cute little cheeks.

" We're so proud of you Niko!" I hugged them both and lifted them up. " And we love you so much!!" 

I spun them around and we all laughed. We were a happy little family and life was good. But of course that never lasts for long...

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