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I can see it now. Tiny little fangs, two different colored eyes. Black fluffy hair, like his mother. He was absolutely adorable and cute.
He was ours.
But. He was forbidden.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

" Where's our sister?" Fury asked with an extremely serious tone. The horsemen hadn't worried about visiting before. Why did they have visit now?!
I mean, at least Death hasn't been around.

" S-she's back at my place. Is there anything you guys need?" I gave my best fake smile and tried to act normal yet I could feel that they knew I was hiding something.

" Yes. We need our sister to train. This so called... ' break ' is over. Thank you for watching her for this long."
They all began to walk to where I resided when I realized what was about to happen.
" Wait, wait, wait! You're taking her away?!"

" Yes, what? Did you expect her to stay with you forever?" Fury questioned with a smirk.
" I-I..." I looked down. I know it's foolish to be so attached to someone but.
" Your sister..."
I looked Fury dead in the eye.

" I'm in love with her. And I'm not gonna let you ruin her happiness."

The three horsemen laughed. " You really think some hybrid like you could please a horsemen?! Pathetic!"
The laughing continued and it hurt. I thought they were actually on my side. But, I guess it was just to keep their sister occupied and safe for a bit.

" She may feel sad for a bit, but it wasn't like you'd live long anyway."
" Damiana will find a new play thing once you're out of the picture."

My eye began to twitch with rage. Who the hell do they think they're talking to?!
" Play thing?! How dare you! I'm more to her than that!!"

" How do you know that?" Strife chuckled.

" Because...!Because..." This is it. I'm afraid my dream will come true, but... I'll show them!!!
" Because what?!"

" Because I got her pregnant. And it was mutual! She let me do it and we already know our child's name and YOU can't do anything about it!"

The amount of disgust on their faces scared me. Instead of trying to find their sister they readied their weapons and charged towards me. I drew my swords and dodged their attacks, yet I still got some bruises and cuts here n there. I managed to punch Strife a bit, but any damage on War was barely any at all.

He punched me knocking me on the hard concrete causing my legs to get scraped. When I tried to get up War was so ready to take me out when suddenly someone stopped him. I looked at the heroic being... That being happened to be " Death?!"
I exclaimed confused.

" Run kid!! Damiana's giving birth right now!!
" Oh shit. " I ran as fast as I could looking back every so often to see the siblings fighting. Why did he save me? After all this time?

" LLOYD!!!" I came back to reality as I heard her screaming for me over n over. She must be in a LOT of pain!!
I get there, she grabs onto my hand and squeezes it really really tight.
" I'm so glad you made it Lloyd!! So glad!..." she started breathing quickly in and out.
" Shhh! Don't speak, princess. Just breathe. Come on baby! In and out!"
I stood there clutching here hand, coaching her, calming her.
I couldn't believe it was happening! And furthermore I can't believe instead of death killing the baby, he saved him. He saved me.

When Niko was born I held him for the longest of times. I never fantasized about being a dad or anything like that. But standing with this beautiful baby boy in my hands. The happiness I felt could basically bring a tear to my eye. We mumbled simultaneously
" He's perfect."

" He has your pretty hair Dami."
" Well he has your eyes! ...Sort of!" Dami giggled and smiled at the little baby. He had two different colored eyes. He had that cutest little giggle and...
" Oh god, looks like someone needs their first diaper change..."

Damiana laughed, but not as hard as usual since she was still recovering. Soon after my mother came and smiled.
" Oh my goodness!"
Her eyes twinkled and she covered her mouth as she eyed the sleeping prince. I'm just gonna call him our little prince and we already agreed to name him Niko. It's such a cool name.

" I can't... I can't believe I'm a grandma now!!"

" Yup! Congrats mom." I said sarcastically.
" Pfft, Congrats to you Lloyd!! I know you two will be great parents!!"
Dami snickered and for some reason I knew what she was gonna say.

" Ya know, if we didn't stay on that island we probably would've never... you know."
" Yeah I know! But I have no regrets nor worries. Besides that fact that we should go before your fam gets here!!"

" True! Damn... I'm still in so much pain thougghhhh."
Well, I swept her off her feet as she held our sleeping child and asked our mom to help us get out of here. Right as we made our escape I could see Death in the distance getting ganged up on by his siblings.
" Dammit Death..."

Beginning of the End - Darksiders FanficWhere stories live. Discover now