Vacation Over

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I blinked. I blinked once, twice, three times. Astounded, I stood there as two turned into one. The little magical display had messed up my vision.

I squinted again. Freaking demons. I know it's a demon, I can sense it. That's pretty weird isn't it?
" Damiana we need to go, now."
She nodded, took my hand as we hastily ran into the trees. Vines, branches, scratches and aches. We just ran and ran as the thunder roared and as the rain poured. The sound of our feet and heavy breathing were in sync as we made sure to protect each other.

" LLOYD RUBIN, STOP RUNNING!!!" a voice echoed.
But as it echoed into my ear I wondered why me?! I'm just a normal human!!!....
That's also stuck on an island with the fifth horsemen, who by the way became my girlfriend while we were on this island. And once some more months pass...
" LLOYD RUBIN YOU CAN'T ESCAPE!!" A claw scratched my face as I dodged the demon's attempt to grab me.

Blood and more panting.

" Do you know why they want you??"

" Hell no! Who even are these-"

Duck down, keep my princess safe.
As I pushed Dami out of the way I was grabbed by the back of my shirt by the flying demon, my swords still at our shelter at the center of the island. I didn't dare look the demon in the eye. Dami however could still fight.

" Let go of my boo, bitch!!" With a great leap and a jab to the face she let go of me and I fell in Damiana's arm. The demon held it's bleeding left eye, screeched and flew at us at full speed. This time I got up and punched her in the mouth with all I had.
Dami slapped her some more making her cheeks red and her sharp fangs break. She fell to the floor unconscious.

I kissed Damiana's slightly bruised cheek. " Good job, hun."
Her cheeks became a rosy red as she kissed me back.
" You aren't too bad yourself! We actually make a pretty good team, although we barely fought this chic."

We both looked down at the demon. She looked like a succubus to be honest. Her curves were freaking amazing! Then I noticed something alarming.
" Damiana check my back."
" Why?"
" Just do it please, then I'll explain."
She looked and said

" Your lil square birthmark is the only thing that's there."
" Ohhhh..." I groaned.
THUNDER, lightening and more clouds came about!

It was the horsemen this time. All four.
" Shit." we uttered ready to hide but it was too late. Dami's wild horse was back and blocking our path.
Nothing could stop me from getting my swords.

" Looking for something?" Death waved around both of my swords this time, cackling that he had both in his grasp so I could suffer
I grit my teeth and hissed at him.
" Yes, give those back."
" Give us back our sister."
War commanded sword in hand.

I looked towards her , holding her hand tightly. She shook her head no.
" I am not your property, not your maid, nor your pet. So he won't be giving back anything but threats."

" Oh really? And what do you have to say human?!"
" Well, Death mcdouchebag, get ready for the next battle. You don't scare me."

This is it. I'm actually gonna die.
I readied myself in a fighting stance, fists up and ready to punch although they were definitely going to be sliced.
Death cackled as the rest of the horsemen stayed silent.

" Well then, I can't wait to take your soul!"

He came at me dropping my dual swords and ready to slice my throat with his scythe. Damiana was held back by War, but I doubt he could hold her back for long.
I dodged below with the quickness, hurting my knee on the ground, but I got my swords and stood back up.

My shoulder bled a bright red, but my heart was still bleeding.
Wailing ignored, pain ignored. This game of slicing and dodging went on for several minutes until I fell.
This is it...

" Death, stop." The flaming Fury demanded sternly. Her brother's scythe was inches away from the demon in front of me.
" W-Why?" I whispered.
" I'll explain in a bit..." she whispered back to me.

" What are you doing here fiend?" scowled Death.
I backed away slowly, getting on my feet as she stood in front of me protecting me the entire time.
" Just let me take my son so I can explain somethings to him and you can take your sister home."

" And if we don't?" Fury faced the succubus and Death backed up knowing this was none of his business. It was Fury's time to shine. Maybe.
" Then I'll just keep protecting Lloyd until I am killed."
" Hm..."
To kill or not to kill. I'm sure that were her thoughts at the moment.
" Let's go brothers. This isn't any of our business."
" But what about this one?! He kept Damiana away fro-"
" He kept Damiana out of trouble. And he could not control what was happening."
" How are you so sure?!"

Death hissed but Fury kept her same straight, yet annoyed face.
" I know this woman. That is all."
" Oh."
I was extremely confused and hurt. She's my mom?! A succubus? A succubus had an ugly child like me?! SHE gave me away?! She kept us here?! Why, why, WHY?!

Damiana stared at me confused and hurt as well.
" Lloyd... Stay safe... I won't ever stop thinking about you."
" Neither will I, my sweet princess."
I was to weak to get up and stop them. Even if I did, they just made a negotiation. If they hadn't done that, I'd be dead and Dami... Oh Damiana...
They left through a portal and the succubus by my side remained silent as she summoned a portal.
She walked towards it and looked towards me, motioning for me to go with her. I silently obeyed, feeling betrayed by life itself.
When we came out of the portal it looked like we were in a cave.

" Welcome to my home, son."
I stayed silent.
" I know I haven't seen you since the day I... left you... But I knew if I kept you, you'd be killed or you'd suffer more than you should."
. . . . . . . . .
" Your moms took great care of you. I was so happy every time I got to take even a peak at you during my nightly rounds. You're so tough and brave and handsome. Everything I couldn't be for your father. Everything I couldn't be before I became this."
. . . . . . . . . . 
" I was horrible when I was human. Always being promiscuous and ignorant until I died. I woke up in hell as this. I was all types of hype at first. I could hurt the people that hurt me!"
. . . . . . . . . . 

" I was foolish. I learned my lesson, getting beaten and raped by other demons multiple times. But of course you aren't some other demon's child."
" Then what am I?" My eyes shook and my voice croaked.
" You are the son of a human and a demon. But because of me your father... The only man who was the only one who'd ever been kind to me EVER... Was killed by the prince of darkness himself."
" Why?"
" Because I'm suppose to suck the energy out of humans. Not befriend them nor have their children."
. . . . . . .
" No one knew a thing, but they suspected it. Once I had you, they knew. They immediately came after me and him. But it was too late, I already delivered you to the lesbian couple wishing for a child."

I let out a sigh.
" So that explains half of everything..."
" Half?"
" Yep, I mean. Do you have anything to do with me and Dami getting stuck on the island?"
" ...Yes..."
"Okay, I won't asked what you had to do to get someone to do this for you... And do I have any special powers?"
" I don't know. You might not have known because you didn't try anything. But let me see your teeth."
I opened my mouth wide and she smiled at my many pointy teeth.
" Ah! You have my fangs, and my eyes too! You have your father's hair and his strength too!"
" Hey! Don't touch my muscles! It tickles!"
I frowned and stuck my tongue out at her playfully.
Then I smiled back and hugged her as tight as I can.

This was my real mother.
And this was the end of my vacation, but the beginning of a new arc to my life.
And the craziest part of it all is that wherever Dami was, there was a little part of me growing in here from the months we spent here together.

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