Two strikes, Not Three

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I took a knife and cut into a bird. It's blood gushed and it squawked loudly. I grinned crazily. Then I woke up. My swords was still in my hands, blood was everywhere. But it was demon blood.

I sighed and wiped my sweat. I had gory, cannibalistic or homicidal dreams a lot more often lately. It scared me so much. Sometimes it was memories I relieved as a dream. My mama protecting mom but in the end both of their necks being slit by a gigantic bat like demon. They're bodies were crushed and I never got to give them a proper funeral.

Time to time I'd make friends instead of enemies with surviving humans. But they wouldn't be strong enough or I wouldn't be strong enough and I'd watch them die. Again,I could not give any of those kind people a proper funeral. I've never had a girlfriend nor a boyfriend during these awful times. I was just too scared of being hurt again. Hurt the way I hurt when all those people I genuinely cared for died in front of my face.

But this... Damiana girl. She's a horsemen so she can fight, right? Maybe I...
I shook my head pushing the thought aside. It was foolish, right?

" Hey!"
The voice startled me and I fell off the chair I sat on. I looked up. Speak of the devil...
" D-Damiana? What are you doing here?"
" Well I thought you looked lonely, so I decided to drop on by."
I shook my head as I got up, dusting off my pants. It had only been a few days since the first time we met and I could still remember her name perfectly.
" Didn't you get in trouble coming here last time?"
" Yeah I did, but they won't really hurt me or be that mad." She said playfully as she twirled her hair with a single finger.
" I mean, I'm just visiting, not fighting."

I stood in front of her, seeing that she was a few inches taller than I.
" Y-You sure? I mean, I don't wanna bore you..." I looked to the side blushing and rubbing my arm.
" Yeah it's fine!" she replied with a sweet smile.

I sat back down and she sat next to me. I didn't really know what to say and neither did she. For two minutes we sat in silence, an awkward silence, till her bubbly voice broke it.
" So how are you?"

" Oh, uh, I'm okay I guess... And you?"
" I'm doing sucky!" she pouted. " Death never gives me missions and War barely trusts me anymore to tag along with missions! Strife and Fury seems to just do there on thing so I can never find them when I need them."

" Man, that does sound pretty sucky. Sounds more boring than my day actually."

" Oh? And what did you do today?"

" Well," I began with a smirk ready to put on my narrative voice. " I was walking downtown Manhattan when I saw a Family Dollar that needed to be raided. After I ate me some nice breakfast I went to hit up the streets of Broadway to destroy more demons and find a nice apartment to chill in."

I paused and looked at the giggling girl and said slowly. " And then as I was remembering the past, I thought of a certain pretty lady who suddenly appeared in my room."

She kept giggling and she playfully punched me " D'aww Lloyd, I not that pretty! "

" Pfft, lies. I sense lies! Compare my beat up face to your smooth, round perfect little face and tell me you aren't cuter." I playfully punched her back. She then got up looked in the mirror and said

" You're right. I am cuter!" She grinned, but then looked at me. " But you..."
She got close and cleaned my face with her delicate hands. The warmth from her hands went to my cheeks and I couldn't help but sweat nervously. She was just close to me.
" You are pretty handsome yourself."
" T-Thanks, I-I guess..."

We talked some more until deja vu had happened. Her brothers and sister came to get her. I hid.
I wanted to confront them...
I wanted to. They say it's three strikes and you're out.
Well, let's see where two takes me.

" Excuse me." I interrupted with my hands up and weapons down as if I was being arrested.

" Who is this human Damiana?!" War hissed.
" He isn't your-" Death began to say, eyes widening.
" No! He's just a friend of mine I met a few days ago." she admitted.

" So I DID sense a human!!"
" Yes, you did, but please don't kill him! He means no harm." Damiana pleaded.

" Then what's with the swords by his feet?" Strife pointed out.
" It's obviously to protect himself." Fury answered.
I just stood there in awe as the five siblings continued to bicker

They hadn't let me utter but two words and they just went off from there until Damiana finally shouted
" ENOUGH! Let's just go the hell home! He did nothing wrong so forget about it!"

" How can we forget you befriended a human?!" Death snapped. " Look at that poor creature! Why do you wanna protect THAT."

" Look at yourself, old man. You're a creature yourself."
Damiana gasped. It was my turn to snap back cause my patience had run out.

" What did you say, human?!"
I picked up more swords and put em on my back proudly.
" I said, look at your own didly damn self! What are you wearing a mask for? To hide how much of dirt bag you are?"
" Dirt bag?!"

Death drew his scythe and lunged towards Lloyd who blocked that large weapon with his swords. Death's eyes glared into the depths of my soul as he struck again and again and again.
My muscles began to ache from blocking. He was very strong and very angry. With the tenth strike I dodged and fell to the ground in the process.

Death walked up to me nonchalantly.
I only laughed.
" Go ahead and kill  me you filthy bastard, just like you killed the rest of my kind. I'm not afraid of you."

He raised his scythe slowly, gladly and then he was stopped.
" Death don't." Fury commanded. She was holding Damiana back with her whip the entire time so she wouldn't interfere, but Fury could sense her little sister didn't want them to fight. Or at least that's what I think.
" Today, I'll let you live." Death said as he turned around. " But if I see you again,I will kill you."

Sure he will. That's what they ALL say. They never do it. I doubt he will. And if he does, I just hope I didn't matter much to Damiana.

As they began to leave I yelled.
" Wait." They all halted.
" Please... Don't ground her because of me." I panted still tired from the fight.
" Very well." Fury said." We'll think about it."

Then they were gone. I smiled to myself. I lived another day and I think. No, I know. She will come back. I know it.

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