Opened Eyes

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As we carefully, yet anxiously escaped from the realm where the horsemen resided I grew extremely tired. I didn't want to be this tired to be honest. I felt like talking to Damiana for as long as I could, but as we sat on her horse and as the stars shined bright in the dark, serene sky my eyes began to shut. They shut and then, then came the dreams.

Dreams were always odd to me, specially the realistic ones. Once I had dreamed of my mothers having a cooking contest and I was the judge. In the end they ended up throwing pies at each other angrily. It was of course hilarious! And when I awoke I had a stomach ache as if it had happened. By noon the house was covered in pie splatters and it just boggled me how I dreamed of the future.

It happened a few more times in my life. However, tonight specifically...

My eyes jolted wide open to the voice of my princess's scream. I hopped up and ran towards where I heard her scream. " WHAT DO YOU MEAN, MY SWEET?" I yelled back, confused by the maze in the house. There were so many twisting and turning corners that I forgot where Dami's voice was.

She kept groaning and screeching in pain. I can't believe it was happening!! I was so confused, surprised and some what happy. We talked about this moment so much and now that it's time... I'm scared.

What if-
A strong current followed by murky clouds pushed me forward and reminded me how I needed to hurry and get to Damiana. She must be in so much pain!

When I got there though, my face was the one in pain. Here Dami is, about to give birth while all her brothers stood in a fighting ready position. As if ready to fight something. Or someone.

" What are you nerds doing here?!"

" If you haven't noticed, we're trying to protect our sister." Fury hissed.

" And we don't need you to see nor to interfere. So go pathetic human!"
Death scowled.

" I'm not even human! I'm half human, remember?"

" Who cares."

I frowned as they blocked me from getting to the love of my life. And then it happened. Dami gave the final scream and push with a doctor by her side . The doctor handed the baby to Dami. The baby didn't move.
" Why isn't he moving?! W-what's wrong with him?!"

" He'll be okay." replied the doctor with little interest. Within seconds the baby got stolen and my feet seemed to be stuck to the ground like glue.
" Fury no!! What are yo-"
Death raised his scythe and...
He did the deed.
" Good, now we have no more w-"
My heart stopped, yet body was mobile. My ice cold eyes were set on the killer. The murderer. The monster.
I punched Death's skull mask causing a slight crack to be made.
All that was heard were Dami's cries and punches. I kept hitting Death, knowing the my hits caused no damage.

The others watched in amusement until finally Death put his hand on face. He clutched my head and lifted it up, readying his scythe with the other hand.
" I never thought our sister would be foolish enough to bare your child."
he began in his gloomy, raspy voice.

" And I'm not gonna let her try for another one either."
He quickly moved the scythe to my neck and....

My eyes jolted wide open to the voice of my princess's scream. My heart seemed to stop as I remembered the dream I had. It can't... It wouldn't..
I ran as fast as I can to Damiana, clenching my fists and gritting my teeth. As I got to the room, there she was.

There was my girl giving birth. I went over to her and held her hand. " You alright? Take deep breaths, honey!" She was sweating and had the most intense look on her face. She was so in pain she couldn't reply, all she could so is groan and breathe heavily.
Until, she finally gave birth. That"s when things got crazy. The doctor we found had to do a c-section on her, with a "50% chance of death"...

How could this be any better than last time? Here my lover lie, about to die while giving birth to our love child.
Our child.
She couldn't die...
No, she couldn't die!

I stood there for emotional support in case she needed to squeeze my hand or cry into my shirt. And when the baby was finally pulled out, Dami got to look at him for one second. Then she started spasming. I panicked like hell.
" Doctor!! What's happening to her?!"
" This was the 50/50 chance I was talking about!!"
" No, no no!!! Say it ain't so!"
I screamed so bad my throat hurt. My lungs felt like they were failing me.

She was dead with our baby in her arms.
Our baby...
Our baby...

My eyes jolted wide open to the shock from the dreams. Those werent the first dreams I had about our baby. It certaintly wouldn't be the last either...
But on the bright side only we knew about the baby. But who knows how long this secret can be kept.

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