Day dreaming

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I don't know how.
And I know why.
But here we are still on this island alone.
I want to sigh frustratedly to the lack of food and water we had. But its not like being in an apocalyptic city is any better.
I worried Damiana would reaaaally good bored of me this time. Or annoyed with my pride and crude humor. But alas she had not.

Speaking of which we lost track of time. I'm sure we've been stuck here a few months, but its not like I could care when I was with someone so comely and stupendous as she. We had many ups and downs on the island. Like arguing over our share of needs, bringing up the past, and me talking bad of Death.
Oh how I despise him.
But if I want to stay with the great and winsome horsemen I'll need to somehow forgive him.

Speaking of the future...

" I'm worried about the future..." I mumbled to myself, as I laid in the sand feeling despondent.
" Why?" Dami questioned flabbergasted. " I mean I'll make sure that we can keep you safe and you can stay with me and- "

" Dami, what's your ideal future?"

"... My ideal future...."
Oh boy here we go. I messed up again didn't I? Here face was solemn and lifeless until she saw a human shaped cloud in the sky.
" A child." she smiled.
" A child?"
" A cute little boy with lots of her like me so I can teach him to be strong like me! I think his name will beeee, Niko! And we'd all live with the horsemen and my mom and... We'd all just be happy."

I chuckled at the hopeful thought
" So who's gonna be the dad?"
She sprightly pushed lots of sand on my bare chest and shouted
" You, silly!"
I laughed again. " Well... hopefully, if you want to be the father."
" Oh, well then."
I blushed and I avoided meeting her eyes.

I never did... that, if you get what I mean. And I never intended to really because I didn't want to be some filthy perv of fuckboy. But now, here I am. Considering doing that, because her idea is cute. And part of it could happen right? They'd accept little Niko right?

" Aww, so thats a no?" she playfully pouted kissing my cheek.
I kissed her back, but on the lips
" No, its a yes. I'd love to be the father."
My heart beat sped up and our kisses felt like battles to see who's love is stronger. Pushed bodies, pushed tongues, push and pull attraction. Like a magnet.

I never did get to say my ideal future to her. But here goes nothing.
I wanted to be a warrior. Like apart of the military of police or anything that has to do with protecting people. I was at a special highschool for law when my education had been halted by fiends. But besides that, with whatever occupation I had I'd make my parents proud. I'd find a nice, sweet but intelligent woman and start a family with her. Then the cycle of parenting would continue. The cycle of growing up with kinder parents than the last generation. Well, at least I hope I can be as good, or even better, than my parents. Personally I think it'd be impossible. If it wasn't for them I'd be dead by now.

The next morning I woke up to a peaking sun and a warm body next to mine. I looked at the beautiful girl next to me, carefully pushing a strand off her sweet face. Hoping that if I got up that I wouldn't wake her up in any way. I didn't want to have that happen so I closed my eyes.

The next morning I woke up, we were still side by side. The sun was hidden in the clouds so I don't think it was still morning... The water of the ocean crashed ashore chilling my feet. I shivered violently and accidentally woke her up.

The next morning I woke up and she wasn't near me. She was in the middle of making breakfast when it happened. The nice blue sky quickly turned into a hellish storm. There was an open in the sky and I just knew it was over. Our happy little "couple on their honeymoon" thing was over. The horsemen would surely come to kill me. Specially of what was to come in a few months.

Little daydreams and talks of the future all vanished... or so I thought. Only two beings descended from the swirling clouds.

Two beings came down, they appeared to be...

I squinted my eyes as my jaw dropped and I took a step back.
" I-It can't be..."
Tears filled within my eyes just like it had when I saw my mothers die. Damiana looked at me and back at them concerned, until she understood too who they were.

But... Maybe I'm daydreaming.
And yet maybe I'm not.

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