Then we were gone

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" HYAH!"


It's been two days since that wretched fiend stole my beloved sword. I'm sure it's quite pathetic but I've been crying on and off having all sorts of flashbacks. I've been taking out my anger on all sorts of objects and disgusting creatures with my single sword. But God did I cry when I fought.
I hated this. I hated this all so much!

I grunted slicing the curtains of the apartment I temporarily stayed in. I broke any type of glass anything in there and just made as much noise as possible so I could cut down whatever demonic creature that came towards me. In two days I cut down hundred of zombies and other weird looking beings from Hell. I hated it. I hated this all so much...

" Watch out!" Right behind me was another zombie. But who stopped it?

It was the fifth horsemen, she decided to pay me a visit yet again.
As the cut up zombie fell my eyes met hers.
" What are you doing here?"
" I came to get you."
" Get me for what? Aren't you going to get in-"
She put a single finger to my lips shushing my worried voice.

" No time for questions! Just follow me!"
She grabbed my hand and led me outside to her horse.
" Hop on!"
 " Well, okay..." 
I cautious got on Damiana's horse and tried to restrain myself from holding on to her waist.

Several minutes later the awkward silence was broken by a huge thud followed by swearing!
The horse knocked us off it's back and onto the ground.
" And we're here!" the fifth horsemen sighed. " Well, almost there... That damn horse never listens to me!"
" Oh, uh... You alright?" I brushed the dirt off my jacket and helped up the fallen lass.
" Yeah, I'm fine."

"So, where's here exactly?"
" It's where I live. And it isn't on Earth."
" I can tell."
As I observed the barren land and the dark, story skies I rubbed my back uncomfortably. I was so confused and so surprised. I thought she'd live somewhere nicer. Somewhere fit for a princess. In my eyes she didn't look like the Antichrist, but more like a warrior princess spreading her hope and joy upon everyone she passed by.

" So, you're gonna help me get my sword back, right?" 
" A-yup!" she started skipping now towards what looked like was a house in the distance.
A very... Earth-like house instead of some beat up cave.
I ran right beside her until we got close enough for her to stop. She shushed me again and whispered.
" We can't let them know you're here." 
" Won't they know if they can sense my presence or whatever?!" I whispered back.
" Oh shit."
She plopped on the ground. " I really didn't think this through at all."
" Then why did you bring me here with all these risks?"
" I just wanted to help you get your sword back from dumb old Death..." she pouted. It was adorable.

With a sigh I patted her shoulder with reassurance.
" Well, that's just what we'll do!"
For the first time in months I smiled. A big  wide genuine smile because this girl actually wanted to help me and went out of her what to see me. Out of all indecent people, me. And I felt happy in that moment of smiling at each other.
Then it was time to finally take action.

We made it upstairs to her room where I was to stay pretending to be her in the best way I could. Meanwhile she'd go through Death's belongings to get the sword and we'd be outta that place lickety split! Except there was a lot of problems in between. 
" Dami? ...You alright in there?" It was Strife who decided to stop by her room. Shit.
" Come on Dami. Say something or else I shoot a bullet throw this damn door!"

I took a deep breathe and tried to do the best imitation of Dami's voice as I could.
" L-Leave me alone!"

"Tch, as you wish."
Phew. I could here his footsteps as he walked away. He didn't seem to angry either. Maybe he was the chill one of the group and Fury was ironically calmer than the rest as well? 
Then again, I don't know any of them all that well. 
Knock Knock Knock Knock

That was the signal! I opened the door and to my utter horror it was Death. I immediately swallowed my pride and backed up as he was ready to choke the living daylights out of me.
" Lloyd! I fucked up!! Now RUN!" I heard Dami shout from outside.
I ducked as Death lunged at me and immediately I headed towards where I heard Damiana's voice. I grabbed her arm as I ran outside taking her with me.
" What are you doing?!"

" Saving you from this horrible place! Now hurry up and call your horse!"
" It's not that easy! My horse doesn't listen to-"

Would you look at that. God's on my side today. The horse appeared with flames in it's path from being summoned. I grinned at Dami as she looked at her mighty stead with utter shock.
We both hopped on as the other horsemen ran on foot after us.
" Go go go go go!!!"
I shouted as Dami urged her horse to move.
And so much for God being on my side.
The horse stood still. My heart raced and pounded like mad in my head. What do we do?!
" MOVE Horsie!!" I lightly kicked the horse.

" That won't work!" Dami scolded.
And eventually the horsemen were mere feet away from us.
And then we were gone.
Thank God.

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