I don't want to but...

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" Papa." I turned to my son, patting his fluffy hair. " What is it Niko?"
" Who's that guy?" he pointed at Strife. Thank goodness he doesn't really remember who he is. Cause Strife diiiid try to kill Niko at one point. For the sake of keeping the peace I'll just forgive him for now.

" That's Uncle Strife." He looked our way when we mentioned his name.
" Uncle Strife?" I nodded and watched him as he wobbled his way towards the tall, lanky horseman.
" Hi Uncle Strife! I-I'm Niko!" The boy gave the cutest little smile with his missing teeth to the one wearing the mask. I don't think Strife likes talking much, but to my surprise he picked up Niko and said " Hello little fella!"

It's as if behind the mask he was smiling, I could see it in his eyes.
" Uncle Strife. Can you do something cool???" 

" Like?" 
Death who sat on the other side of the room snorted.
"Like use magic. "
" Yeah like Uncle death!!!" Niko cheered excitedly.
" O-oh... No I can't use magic."
" Hehe, you'll never be as cool as me."
" Oh shut up you before I put a hole in your foot."
" I'd like to see you try yo-"
Damiana cleared her throat.
" Not in front of the baby."
I chuckled quietly to myself " Weeeell, he's not really a baby. He's more of a highly advanced toddler."
" Shush you." she pouted and Strife pulled out one of his guns.

" I can still show you something cool."
" Oh!! Show me!!"  

Niko's eyes twinkled as he stood a respectful distance away from the horsemen, yet mine stared at Strife concerned what he was going to do with those guns of his.
Strife twirled his guns around really fast switching the hands he held it in. Then he'd randomly spit and shoot at the spit in midair. Each time he hit the liquid, it was weird but gross. Niko just watched in amazement.
"Whoa!! Uncle Strife is really cool!" Death suddenly jolted up.
" W-well! I can do something even cooler!"
" Tch, really old man. What can you do?"
He pulled out his two mini scythes.
" I can juggle my scythes."

" Well, I can juggled bullets!"

" I can cut through your bullets!"

" Well I can dodge your scythe while juggling bullets!"

" HA! I'd like to see you try!

The wall closest to Death came crashing down! I hurried over to  do the usual. 
Grab Niko, grab Dami and hightail it outta there.

" Lloyd! What are yo-"
His words got cut off but a really harsh whip to the face! 
" You guys decided to go rogue so now you fools have to face us!" Fury hissed
" Come on Strife. Let's destroy them." Death grinned as he ran towards them.

Niko kept looking back as we tried to flee, so did Dami.
" Mama, why are they fighting uncles?"
" Because..."
" Because they don't really like me Niko. And you're uncles are trying to help me."
" Lloyd! That's not true!" My princess tried to comfort Niko, but we can't keep lying to him.
Once I found a safe spot for them I placed them down.
" Niko... Princess... I'm going back their to help Strife and Death."
" Lloyd you can't! You'll get killed for sure!"
" I won't." I caressed her pretty face and then kissed her lips. I made sure to let this kiss last long since it could honestly be my last.
I turned to Niko and knelt down to him.
" Niko... If  I don't come back I know your mother's strong enough to protect you. She could even fight me and win if she wanted, but she doesn't. So always listen to her. She knows what's best for you. Most of the time."

" Hey! I heard that!" She giggled. "Oh, I know you heard that."
I was about to turn to fly off and join the battle when I felt a little tug on my pants.
" Yes, my son?"
" Promise me you'll come back."
Promise him? I didn't want to lie to him. 

I didn't want him to be let down.
All I ever did was let people down...
I wasn't meant to be born...
I wasn't meant to be a parent...
Because all I did was bring about chaos.
Yet I'm happy. I'm satisfied that I got to live this life.
Maybe Niko can live on and surpass me...

" Papa!!"
My train of thought was broken by the weeping child.
I hugged him tightly.
" Niko don't worry. I will come back. And we'll be a happy family when I do."
I looked him the eyes as I placed my hands on his shoulders and said " Okay?"
" Okay papa."

I kissed Damiana once more and tried my best to reassure I'd be fine before I soared back into the skies. When I reached my destination Strife was being furiously whipped by Fury while Death was having trouble going against War's might sword. I dived down to Fury and the kicked the shit out of her face. All eyes turned to me as Death tossed me my swords.
I screamed as I charged towards War  to try and push him away from Death. He ended up knocking me over with his great,heavy armor, but as he did that Death sliced off his arm with his scythe. War cried out in pain, but I tripped the warrior once he began to stumble.  Fury was already back on her feet until she turned around and saw.

" War! " Fury cried out as she saw her brother being defeated. Before she could move Strife shot her a few times in the leg causing her to be immobile. " Damn it to hell and back!!"
I walked towards her slowly with the straightest of faces.
" So what now? Are you gonna kill us?" She uttered as she looked at me with disgust.

" No, I don't like getting revenge."
" What a foolish being. Don't you know we killed your mother? Your people?! And we won't stop trying to kill you either."
" And why not?"
" Because. That's just how we are. We obey the council to make life some what easier."
" Will ruining your sister's happiness make life easier?"
She was speechless. Of course.
" Exactly, it wouldn't."

" What do you want me to do then?! If I don't obey I'll-"

" You'll what?"
Death broke in and finally said.
" Be a criminal in a way. Angels and demons will come after all four of us and we'll be punished physically by these horrid beings we're bound to called watchers."
" Let's just say it hurts a lot when we're punished... For Fury, I don't think she can quite handle it."
" Shut up!"

" But it's true isn't it?" I questioned with sorrow filling  my heart.
" Then I know what I'll do. As long as you do something for me."
All four of the horsemen looked at me confused.

I left. I will still keep my promise to my son about returning, but I don;t know when...
And I'm scared that it'll be never...
Dami and the horsemen live together with Niko but.
It shouldn't have to be this way...
I'm back to being a homeless psychopath on Earth, fighting day and night. Waking up with blood on my hands.
Maybe I'll marry Damiana one day.
Maybe Niko will have kids.
Maybe I'll be a grandpa one day.
But maybe even though this is the end.
Maybe it's the beginning of something new.

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