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It's been two weeks of nothing but being alone on this wacky island. Dami's horse has been ever since the first night we were here. So far she can't call her horse back either. The island is oddly empty, but fruitful. Mainly we see banana trees and bushes of berries...
Er, sometimes those berry bushes weren't too good though. Damiana ended up eating two handfuls one night and it seemed like she was even higher than heaven itself. We couldn't tell the difference between regular berries and the "crazy berries". I accidentally ate some and apparently I tried making sudden...advances.

It couldn't be helped. The more time I spent with her the more I had a liking for her unlike any other. She was happy and always upbeat. When she wasn't upbeat and was suffering I wanted to give my all to cheer her up and understand what's wrong. And I did just that although sometimes it didn't work... But man that was just my biggest fear.

It wasn't the demons that managed to be on the island. It wasn't the fact it was just us two there. It wasn't the fact her brothers haven't found this realm. It was only that I started liking this girl. This horsemen, the Antichrist.
And it wasn't that she was all the these things. No, I'd fight all her brothers and her sisters even if I had to die a million times in the process. And in my eyes she was no monster. She was a beautiful warrior, a goddess really.

I was afraid she'd never like me. I was afraid I wasn't enough. No. I just couldn't be enough...
So I have to get better.

The morning that marked the start of week 4 I decided to train. I did a pushup for every bad thing I could think about myself. Let's just say that's a lot. I ran around the island to practice having more stamina. Then,aught some fish and fruit to bring back for Dami. Today she was going to have breakfast in bed from yours truly. I smiled a little just thinking about it.

" What's all this for?" Dami asked surprised and very happy about the scent of food in the air. As I turned around to answer her I just stopped and stared. She had the cutest figure to match her cute little face. She caught my eyes staring at her and blushed.
" Well?"

" O-oh! Uh, well you see I woke up in a good mood today." I began as I handed her some food. " And decided I should serve a certain princess a little something."
" Well, thanks Lloyd! It was really nice of you to do this." she smiled.
" Anytime! I'll probably make this a daily routine for now on."
" Man, now I could get used to that then!"

We laughed and bonded over breakfast until Dami's expression suddenly changed. It looked so glum it knocked me right out of my little fantasy land.
" What's wrong?"

Silence. She just stared at the ground lost in thought.
" ... You miss them huh."
" Hm? Miss who?"
" Your brothers, oh, and sister. I'm sure they're all still looking for you."
" Tch, bullshit."
" Bullshit? Why? Aren't you all related?"
" Well, just because we're related doesn't mean we all love each other. We are the horsemen after all."

I took a moment before responding. She's just angry, she doesn't know what she's talking about.
" Well Death seemed concerned about you and Fury gets you out of trouble, right?"
" Right... But I still don't miss those bastards."
" Hmph..."
" What?"
" Ya know, I want to say I don't miss them either, but the only one I hate is Death."

The small, but tall lass began to giggle.
" He beat yo assss!"
" Well! I could've beat him if-"
" If what?"
She moved her face extremely close to mine playfully, staring at me for an answer with her big ol eyes. We kissing distance away from each other and it was my turn to blush now.
" If... I-If, uh..."
" Awww you're so cute!"
She kissed my cheek and it felt like my whole body melted right there and then.

" I-I am NOT cute!! I'm a warrior, your knight!"
Oh God why have you forsaken me.
I tried to stand up but my legs shook with nervousness. I held one sword up in an attempt to pose heroically.
" And you are my princess that I shall protect!"

Dami put her hands on those curvy hips of hers whilst shaking her head.
" What's with you and calling me a princess?"
" Well, I'm just going by what my mothers told me."
" And what was that exactly?"

Ahem. "Treat a woman like royalty, like a princess! Don't be the whiney prince. Be the knight in shining armor ready to save their crush from whatever asshole that's in their way."
Man I loved imagining that as a kid. Being a royal knight ready to save someone. Someone I liked. Like, like liked.

" Well your moms' way sounds like the right way to me!"
I just smiled and nodded. I was still stung by the kiss she planted on me earlier. I didn't know how to react.

Heart beating, blood rushing, heart beating warm feelings.
Her warm hand grabbed mind shaking me out of my lovestruck shock.
" Come on, I have something to show you."
Hand in hand we walked away from our cave like shelter and closer to the beach.
" Where are we going?"
" You'll see." she snickered showing a cute lil fang in her grin.

Footsteps, hearts beating, blood rushing. Fast paced breathing, panting and then we stopped.
" Close your eyes."
I sighed and did as she said.

Heart beating, warm feelings and birds singing.
After a few wild winds she shouted.
" You can open your eyes now!"
I did slowly and gasping.

In front of me was a gorgeous girl. A warrior now not in armor but now in a pretty sundress with her big hair in one braid. She looked towards the rising sun and sat by the ocean.
" Isn't it beautiful?"
I sit next to her, placing my hand atop hers.
" Yes. But..."
I laughed as her nose scrunched. "But what??

" But you're even more beautiful."
My hand slowly caressed her cheek. It was so warm.
" Oh... Thank you. You look amazing too."
" Pfft naaah. But thanks."
Now it was my turn to kiss her on the cheek.
Of course as my lips touched her cheek a redness immediately spread across her face.
But she didn't look away. She stared into my eyes.
Cupped my face in her hands.
Closed her eyes.
Moved closer and...

My heart felt like it'd explode.
She kissed me on the lips.
She kissed me! She kissed me!
And I couldn't believe it.
When we broke away she started to mumble an apology but I shushed her from even going there.
I was going to believe it. Because I kissed her right back.
I got to kiss my princess.

Beginning of the End - Darksiders Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن