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"Smile for the camera my darling Darcy!" My dad smiles.

My dad was my everything. He always knows what to say, he also knew how much passion I had. My dad was the only person I really wanted around. The only person who really ment something to me.
My dad had nice tan skin with dark hair. He was skinny and tall. I'm the same but not as tan as him but my hair is as dark as his. I think I look just like him.

"Pa come on." I said, playfully rolling my eyes.

It was my first school dance with my date Marcus. He was the star of the baseball team. I was so lucky I got a date with him. Marcus was the only guy who had ever been interested in me.

"Come on Jorge the kids need to go." My mother says smiling down at Marcus and I.

My mom was not as tan as my dad and had more of a light brown hair. She was less adventurous then him. Mi ma liked math and boring stuff. She also hated when my dad and I talked about anything that had to do with books and poets because she didn't understand.

"Oh alright let's go then niños." My father says after snapping one last picture.

Marcus takes my hand and we go to the back seat of my min-van. My dad gets in the front and we pull out of the driveway. He of course puts on some classical music, he liked it way more then I did.

"Hey kids, mind getting that CD back there? I wanna give it to you Darcy." My dad said.

My dad sometimes gave me cds he made because he loves music so much. He gave them to me on special accessions. The last one I got had a lot of rock music on it. Each of the cds had a little message at the end of them, which made them much more personal.

I look under the seats to try to find the cd but it is no where to be found. I keep searching and look in the back of the van and so does Marcus. The car is mostly clean so I don't know why it's so hard.

"I can't find it." I say. My dad takes his hands off the wheel looking through the backseat. "Pa look out!" Is the last thing I say before the car tips over and smashes against the road.


I wake up from my sleep to find that both my legs were in a cast. Panic rushes over my body and I press the button for a nurse. I wait just a couple of seconds until I get assistance.

"Yes Mrs. Escalante?" She questions.

"Where is my father?" I ask and I wanna know that he's okay. I don't know how that happened so fast. I didn't know that over one accident it could have all been over.

"I'm so sorry to inform you but-"

This couldn't be real. Is he really dead? They couldn't save him? Why didn't they save him? My mind was running a mile it felt like but at the same time I felt my body become slowly numb.

"No. No. No!" I'm crying my eyes out. The person who loves me is now he is gone forever.

(2 days after)
(After school)

"Hey heard about your dad." Jessica said as we wait for her mom to pick us up from school.

"It's whatever." I mumbled but inside I was dead. Jessica was a nice girl but my emotions about my dad were making me lash out. I didn't know what I had until I lost it. Something that was my escape. Someone who knew and told me everything would be okay.

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