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It was Luke. In my mind I thought it was Calum. If I was Calum I probably could never look at him the same.

"I-I wanted to use your speckers." He says looking down. He's probably mortified and it's all on me.

"Here." I whisper handing him the speckers.

"Darcy let me speck to you for a sec." He says waving me out of the room. I do what he says and walk out of the room, shutting the door.

"What the hell?!" He shouts. I wince because I didn't really expect Luke to yell at me. It makes my head rattle.

"What it was nothing." I say, even I knew that was a lie.

"Are you for real? To be honest I don't care who fool around. I'm just worried about Calum. I'll tell him Darcy. I will." He threatens makes me hands become cold.

"I'm not dating him! Calum is a friend all we do is share short stories!" Now I'm yelling but I wasn't angry.

"That's the thing! He would never talk about his writing until now! You are the only one he shares these with. I see the way you guys look at each other. It's not just a friendship." Luke fights back.

Buts it's only been 3 days.

"We haven't even known each other long." I whisper not wanting to yell.

"Stop thinking about the numbers. Okay? The greatest love stories happened in a matter of hours! Love has no limit. I fell in love with Jasmin the first five days she came to Australia." He explains. I don't understand why he's talking about love so soon. If Luke knew how I was maybe he wouldn't be saying any of this.

Maybe he's right, but I still don't know how I feel about Calum.

"Okay. I-I don't know." Is all I say and walk in my room and see an upset Levi.

"I also see the way Calum looks at you. Why don't you look at me that way?" He asks. This was all too much, I'm just a child I don't know anything about love.

"I just don't have the time to think about the "L" word. I just don't want to right now." I weakly smile at Levi and he does the same.

"What if we dated? I mean we've known each other a while so why not?" He asks.

what is he talking about?

"I don't know. I'm not the kind to date around or date." I sigh. "Do you even like me? Or do you just like the way I look?"

"No! Well don't get me wrong you are a beauty, but I love the way you laugh and how cute you look with your glasses. Everything." He gushes but none of it seems from his heart.

"You're so cute. I'll think about it." I fake giggle.

In reality. I didn't feel that way about him. I didn't feel that way about Calum. Or maybe I don't wanna feel this way.

"Now let's get to work princess." He winks and we begin our project.

(September 20th)
{Creative Writing}

Latin = Boring .

Philosophy = Kinda interesting.

That's all you need to know but I was currently in Creative Writing with Calum. The teacher was late so we are all just waiting.

"Well Class, I'm going to be filling in since I don't have an afternoon class today and your teacher is very sick." The teacher says I look up to see it was Mr. Franklin.

I look lover to Calum and he is digging his nails into his desk. I grab my phone to text him, to see if he's okay.

(1:04) Me: stop you're going to hurt yourself.

(1:04) C- Dizzle: I'm going to hurt him if he doesn't get out of here. He's such a dumb fuck.

(1:05) Me: Stop, it's fine.

(1:05) C- Dizzle: Shut up. Idfc.

"Darcy and Calum see me after class," Mr. Franklin shouts making me jump. He smirks at me sending chills down my back, "Anyway, I want you to write a blurb about your life. You have 45 minutes go."

I take time to think about this. I didn't feel like writing with people around. There is no "at home feeling". My papa used to say "Writing should never be forced it should be something that comes naturally."

Frick, I will just write this at home.

(End of Class)

Calum and I sit in the back waiting for the teacher to come speak to us. As the teacher says a couple of goodbyes, he walks over to us.

It makes the hairs on my neck stand up. Calum doesn't seem fazed, he just looks bored. Unlike me I hate getting in trouble so this makes me uneasy especially from Mr. Franklin, an intense man.

"So why were you two-"

"Do you think it's right to touch a girl way younger then you? That's kinda sick don't you think?" Calum cuts off Mr. Franklin. It's like Calum can't help but speak his mind sometimes.

"So you don't like me touching Darcy?" The teachers asks.

"No." Calum is stern and very frustrated I can tell by the way his face tightens.

"What if I did this?" Mr. Franklin asks grabbing me by the hips.

"Don't you fucking touch her." Calum spits as I try to wiggle out of the man's grip.

"Or this?" Mr. Franklin slowly leads in, while I try to escape. I feel a him being lifted off me and put on the ground.

Calum pushed him. He really did it.

"Touch her again and I'll blind you." Calum says taking my hand and we run to my dorm.


"Thank you again." I say. Calum has been in my room ever since we came from creative writing class.

"He's a creep." He scoffs.

"I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there." I huff.

"Don't, I don't even wanna think about another guy- I mean a teacher kissing you." He shivers.

"Who was your first kiss?" I ask trying to take our minds off that horrible man

"I was twelve. Her name was Ella. She had red hair and braces. I cut my lip on them. That's it," He laughs and so do I, "What about you?"

"I haven't had mine." I sigh. "I've made-out with people, but not nice quick gentle kiss."

"I wanna be your first kiss." Calum quickly says and my eyes go wide. He didn't even have to think about it.

"No you don't. I like to think I'm a bad kisser." I don't know how I feel about kissing Calum after I kissed Levi yesterday.

"Wait I want this to be perfect for you." He says. He gets up lighting my candles and grabbing one of my daisy's, putting it in my hair.

We stand up and he takes my hands. He leans in and pecks my lips. Perfect. I look at him once again leaning in. It wasn't just a first kiss. It felt more the that. When I kissed Levi I didn't feel this pure. I pull away and Calums' cheeks are bright red.

What was happening why was I feeling this way?

I pushed my thoughts away. I didn't want to fall for some.

I can't.

Darcy. {cth}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt