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"Hi." He says trying to catch is breath.

I'm silent once again. Nothing can happen we both are in relationships. I have to admit it kinda hurts knowing that he is with another girl.

But I knew he could find someone better. I bet he loves her. She was so sweet in high school, had tons of boyfriends, also got straight A's. I mean who didn't love her.

Unlike me I got A's, B's and sometimes C's. I didn't have boyfriends, just dates. Guys didn't like how I talked or looked. I would talk about art and poems, that's not something they liked.

"Darcy darling why are you crying?" He asks coming over to me and sits on my bed.

I haven't heard anyone call me that since my dad died. It's weird hearing it. I sobbing lighty feeling my heart and brain get into a fight.

"I don't know what to do." I cry in Calums lap.

"You know what I do in times like this?" He asks running his fingers through my hair.

"What do you do?"

He grabs a notebook and a pencil. "I write, my darling Darcy."

I take the notebook at write this:

I'm scared. Everything that has happened to me will hurt me. I'm done writing about a non-existent girl. It's me I've been writing about. I've been writing the story of me. This is all I can do to feel safe.

I show what I wrote to Calum and he smiles. I was really starting to like this boy. He was kinda like my dad. Always found the good in things. His imagination ran wild. I've been trying to find happiness, but maybe Calum was all I needed.

"I like you Darcy. I do." He whispers holding me close.

I didn't say anything. I didn't want too. He has a girlfriend, I have a boyfriend. I most of all couldn't believe that Calum liked me. I didn't know if this was a game. Maybe it was.

I turn to look at Calum as he plays with my fingers. He seemed so peaceful. I touch his chin so he could look at me. I look into his dark eyes. He looks so sad and confused. I wanted to make him happy.

So I kissed him.

"Don't be sad." I say. He let's out a half hearted laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Do you wanna go to an art museum tomorrow?" He asks rather quickly.

"I have a boyfriend, you have someone as well. I don't want anyone hurt." I shake my head.

"Just forget about that. Okay? I just want to go with you somewhere. A place where my heart can explore." He similes.

"Okay." I simply say.

(October 14th)
(5:50 pm)

"Jasmin! I don't know what to wear! He's coming soon." I wine.

I look through tons of clothes and throwing it all over my room. I was going out with Calum I didn't want to wear something I would always wear, but at the same time we were going to an art museum so I didn't want to over dress.

"Just wear this." She pulls out a pink knit sweater, a white baseball hat and some jeans. "Then you can wear your white convers, but no contacts today, you look best with glasses."

"Okay. Now get, get, scram, scram. I got to get ready." I tease. I put the outfit on fast and look at myself feeling butterflies. Oh gosh I haven't felt this way since middle school.

I put on my glasses as the finishing touch. I hated wearing them when I was a kid, people called me a nerd. I mean I kinda was, at the age of nine I read poems at play time, always had my portable disk player and ear buds. I still have that disk player.

After a little bit I hear voices outside my door, so I open it to see Calum with a camera around his neck and Jasmin was just smirking at me.

Calum had on light washed skinny jeans with a rip at the knee, his sweatshirt was plain black. The cute thing was that he had on reading glasses and a tan baseball cap.

"Well you love birds need to get going. Be home by 11. We got school." Jasmin winks pushing us out the door.

"Well you look aesthetically pleasing." I compliment and he laughs.

We walk to his car and I plug in my aux cord. I decided to put on my Somebody Else by The 1975. The part where the song says "I hate to think about you with somebody else." At that moment I look at Calum.

He looks right back at me, but only for a second. I did hate the thought that he had a girlfriend. I hated it, but I was no different. I also had a boyfriend. The thing was I didn't want to leave Levi. I knew if I did I would have lost a bit of my childhood, a bit of my dad.

"Are we there yet?" I ask in a kiddy tone.

"Yes we actually are." He chuckles and I climb out of the car.

I've been to this museum five times. I loved every bit of this place. So much art, even though I've been here five times I still hadn't seen everything. They have been constantly adding new things. Most of my times here was just my dad and I.

I walk in and Calum grabs my hand. Before I know it I got really excited and ran to my favorite painting. It was actually called the Darling Darcy. That's why my dad calls me it. The painting has a woman and she is reading, a couple feet away is a man watching her. Behind them are flowers, tons of them.

"You see that guy looking at her?" I ask Calum, pointing at the man. Calum looks at the paper beside it explaining the art and nods slowly. "He loves her, it's showing the beauty in his eyes wasn't just the field of flowers. It was the girl."

"Let me take a picture of you by it. I wanna remember this." He smiles, I do as I'm told and wait for the photo to develop.

We walk around the place, Calum taking many pictures. We maybe took two together. I've always wanted someone who appreciated, art, reading, writing and music as much as I do. It was great, the thing was he wasn't boring. I was always laughing when I was around him.

"I wanna do something before we go." He says taking my hand as we run to an empty corner. He grabs a push pin and a picture. Calum puts it on the wall, which I think is illegal. The picture is of two people with there faces covered and they are holding hands.

It was us.

It was when we were looking at the painting of a building, we made a random person take that picture of us. They thought of me in a museum was cute and a nice thought.

"We deserve to be on this wall. We are works of art, but most of all you are," He compliments kissing my forehead, "Now let's go."

I sigh in dissatisfaction. I wanted to see the whole place, but I knew it would take forever. I just didn't want this day to end.

"Ten bucks says I can beat you to the car." I say.

"Oh really?" As he says then I run. "Fuck!"

I run and I was pulled back by Calum he throws me over his back and I laugh punching his back. My dad did this often because I was so small.

"Put me down!" I instruct, but he doesn't.

"What's that shortie?" He teases.

"Sorry I'm not six foot. I'm 5'2 and that's tall enough." I pout as he puts me down. I open the car door and plug in my aux cord once again.

"She's the tear in my heart!!" Calum shouts and I go into a fit of laughter.

"The songs on the radio are okay.... but my taste in music is your face!!" I sing along with him.

As we get to my dorm I see stars. Which is not something you see often, there are so many lights in L.A., so it's kinda hard to see them. I tap to the beat of the music as Calum parks the car. We get out but he runs to the door and opens it for me.

We playfully push each other down the hall. I'm trying to hold in my laughter. I didn't feel this way with Levi. I open my door and Calum kisses me with the door still open. I touch my lips looking over and seeing Levi with his face red and his fits balled up.

"What the hell is this?!" Levis voice booms.

I freeze.

Darcy. {cth}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt