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(January 1st)

"Levi can you get me some fruit loops?" I call from the living room.

He slept over last night because he said he wanted to catch up on drama, which was dumb. I didn't mind though because Jasmin spent the night with Luke.

The night of new years I don't know where Calum went. After he kissed Emma he left. If he is with her I wouldn't know how I would feel. I like Calum. I hate myself for falling for him.

I just like the way he walks, talks, and smiles. He has this silent laugh that he just moves his head but he only laughs like that when I do something or say something really funny. He knows when I'm worried, sad or happy just by the way I look. They way he-

"DARCY!" I hear Levis voice snap me out my daze.

"Ah cheese sorry." I say getting my bowl of fruit loops.

"So have you talked to Calum?" Levi asks. When he says his name my stomach feels like it's doing backflips but then my heartaches not knowing if he's with Emma.

"No." I sigh and flip threw the chanels.

I decided to watch the Brady Bunch. It reminded me they way Calum and I would watch seasons of this together. He would make little comments about the slang the used. When I told him Greg was cute he would pinch my sides.

Everything is reminding me of him.

"What if I told you he texted me?" Levi asks then finches like he was waiting for me to yell.

"What did he say?" I ask still looking at the TV.

"Just don't get mad at him. It's a new year so just-"

"Levi tell me now." I cut him off still not taking my eyes off the TV.

"He said: Hey Levi I did something dumb I spent the night at Emmas. I don't remember if we did anything. She says i slept with ber. I just woke up. I'm coming to Darcys' room." Levi says and a tear goes down my face.

I then hear the door open and Calum walk in with bags under his eyes. I look at him then look at Levi, as if I was telling him to please go. Levi doesn't get his things just looks at me then Calum, leaving.

"Listen it was dumb. I hated that-"

"It's fine." I say and get back on my feet.

"You say that but I know it hurts because you're still crying. I don't know what I did or how it happened." He says guiding me to my room. I lay on my bed and sigh.

"I know I like you and I don't care because I really wanna be with you." I smile.

I'm probably going crazy. I just got mad for thinking he was with Emma, started crying because he was with her, and now I'm happy because I realize I wanna be with him. Maybe my period starts soon?

Calum gives me this big smile and pulls me up off the bed and hugs me. He grabs the flower he gave me at the plant house. He shakes his head as if he was gathering his thoughts. He takes one of my free hands and looks me in the eye.

"Will you do me the greatest honor and be my girlfriend?" He asks and I nod, jumping in his arms.

I guess this day proved something.

I never wanna go another month without talking to him again.

"Wanna go tell everyone?" I ask as he texts the group chat. The group chat is Calum, Luke, Ashton, Micheal, Jasmin, Bryana, Ashley and I.

The Great Eight -

Calum - Meet at the coffee house I got news.

Me - So do I.

Calums looks up at me smiling then back down at his phone. We really have to change that group chat name. It's so weird but it makes me laugh.

Luke - I'm already here.

Jasmin - So am I.

Me - Awe lunch dates!

Jasmin - ikr

Ashton - I'll be there in 5

Bryana - pick me up ash?

Ashton - Make that 10

Ashley - Omw just gotta get dressed.

Michael - I'll help you ^

Ashley - then come on ;)

Calum - stop this isn't the horny chat.

Me - okay we will see you guys there!

I put my phone on mute and get ready for the day. I look for something easy to put on. So I get Adidas shorts and pastel yellow shirt. Then put on my Adidas all stars.

"Dang I can't believe you're all mine." Calum says hugging me as I make my way to my bathroom. Trying to put in my contacts and a little make up on. I've actually been putting it on more often. I'd probably look dead if I didn't.

"Ready?" I ask looking up at him. He smirks lifting me up on the bathroom counter. He kisses me softly then makes his way down my neck. When he stops I sigh getting off the counter.

"I can call you mine. This time if any guy touches you I can kick their ass." He smiles as we walk out of the house.

"You would do that anyway." I giggle as we go hand n' hand to the coffee place.

"Yeah when I found out you kissed Andrew I almost killed the guy. If he does again, no mercy!" He laughs as he kisses my hand.

We enter the coffee place and see everyone was already there. They are all looking at us with evil smiles. Oh I guess it's obvious.

"They finally put the title on it." Jasmin cheers and they all raise there cups.

"I can't belive it took this long!" Luke shouts as we sit down.

We all talk about memories we shared. I love this group of people. I could live this way forever. Not being able to think about the bad things is great.

But nothing lasts forever.

My phone does off and I see it's my brother.

"Yup?" I pop the 'p'

"Darcy! Mom she's she's shes-  I don't know how but she's in the hospital. She never told us she has Cancer."

Another person you love can be gone in a matter of seconds. Someone who didn't even love me all the way.

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