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"Sorry I'm such a creep." I say letting go of his hand.

"No, you're fine. It was probably someone taking out the trash." He explans as we enter his dorm. "So my stories are in my room so I'll go get them."

As he goes in his room I look around. I see pictures, one is with him and a man. He looks just like him, must be his father. Then I see an open box full of CDs. I grab them and they all say something different.

Volume 1 - Sad songs.
Volume 1 - Punk rock.
Volume 1 - People suck.
Volume 1 - Be Happy.
Volume 2 - Be Happy.

What if he makes them himself?

"Darcy don't touch that!" I hear Calum shout. I put down the CDs and sit on the couch.

"Sorry, I-I was curious." I begin to get nervous.

Calum is wearing a dark blue sweatshirt, black skinny jeans and reading glasses, kinda like the ones I have. He has a couple of notebooks in his hands and a mug with pencils.

"Anyway, So my first short story is The man in gray." He sits by me with his legs crossed. He looks at me as if asking me if I was ready, so I nod.

"The man came home and ate his food like everyone else. No one talked to him much. He had two children and a wife. Joy was his wife and brought joy to him. His daughter Mali was everything to him, but not his son. Yeah, he talked to him but nothing ever changed. The man in gray was happy when his son wasn't around. When the son decided to leave and start his own life no one stopped him, only his big sister. He denied her request to stay. He left for a place that he heard about called America. The boy never talked to the man in gray again, but the boy wants to more then anything. He will always miss the man in gray." Calum finishes closing the notebook.

I knew it was about him. Which made me wanna cry. The man in the picture is his dad after all. I look at Calum and he has a sad look on his face, I wrap my arms around him and he does the same.

"Life needs to stop being a butthole." I mumble and we laugh.

"Sorry to poor our my heart to you like that I don't even know you but I feel like I can trust you with my life." He says and we let go of the hug.

A lot of people told me that. Probably because I was quite and if you told me something I wouldn't go telling everyone else. Or maybe I just had a trusting vide.

"If you don't mind me asking what are those CDs for?" I ask.

"Well I like to make them sometimes. I don't really like playing music on my phone its doesn't have that same feel." He answers.

My dad always made cds. He said that that's how it should always be. It makes me wonder what was on that cd that he wanted to give me the day he died. The thought makes me wanna cry. I always wanna cry so I'm used to it.

"Hey Darcy you okay?" Calum asks taking me out of my thoughts.

"I guess just thinking." I sigh. People would sometimes catch me thinking about my dad like that. I probably have the dumbest face on.

"Darcy, I know I've only known you for a couple of hours but you can trust me. I don't even tell Luke about my short stories." Calum explans.

If he only knew it's going to take a while for him to even remotely know about me. I've never opened up to anyone in my life. When I was fourteen I shut down.

"Sorry, but I'm just not an open person. I don't know, I should just get going." I huff and grab my phone and begin to head out.

"Wait, may I have your number? Just in case you wanna share short stories again? Or maybe just need a friend?" He rambles. I laugh handing him my phone. It was also cute that he said "may I have".

He soon gives it back and I leave running into Luke falling once again. Why I'm I so clumsy? I bet I get it from my Tia.

(a/n Tia = Aunt)

"Crap Luke!" I shout as Calum helps me up.
"Holy shit sorry Dar." Luke says.

I haven't heard someone call me dar in a while. I like it, it was like I was once again being normal. I also liked that I didn't get upset that someone did something reminding me of my dad.

"No, I'm just clumsy." I laugh. "Bye guys." I walk off going outside.

{Next Morning}
[September 17th 2016]

I have on black ripped jeans, black and white
adidas and a baby blue oversized sweatshirt. My hair is down with a white baseball hat. I grab by leather backpack and put my glasses in the pocket of my backpack. I just don't feel like contacts today.

"Jazzy!" I call from my room. "Class starts at 9:10!" Thank God I only have one class today.

"Yeah Dar. Let's go I want coffee." She wines as we walk out. Jasmin has on flower shirt, white convers and jeans.

(At coffee house)

"Frick that! You can't make me pick!" I shout at Ashton. We saw the boys at the coffee house, so right now they are trying to make me pick between Josh and Tyler.

"You have too! I'm a Tyler boy all the way so is Michael." Ashton replies.

"So am I!" Jasmin cheers.

"But Tyler is a kitten and Josh is a tattoo God." I wine this is so hard.

"I would go with Josh." Calum says and Luke nods.

"Ahh fine then it's Josh," I give up I look at the time and see its 9:00, "Frick I have math in ten!"

"Fuck yeah we should go!" Jasmin gets her things.

"I got math too! Wait up!" Michael says running behind us.

"Heard the teacher is Hot." I say as we walk in class.

"I'd like to think so." I hear the professor say and my face heats up.

"You are fucked." Michael whispers as we walk up the stairs to the very back.

(End of class)

"Mrs, Escalante may I see you?" The teacher Mr. Franklin asks.

Mr. Franklin had blonde hair with brown roots. His eyes were a nice blue. Mr. Franklin was wearing a black button up with jeans, it made him look casual.

"Ohhhh..." Jasmin and Michael say as they walk out.

"Yes, Mr?" I ask sounding innocent ugh.
"You think I'm attractive?" He asks with a smirk.

"That's what I heard." I say.
"Thats not what I asked." He's stern.

"Yes." I'm getting more nervous.
"I also happen to think you are very attractive Mrs." He says back and I feel like punching him in his perfect face.

This has only ever happened once. I was only twelve years old. In the end the man went to jail.

He gets closer to me and touches my hair. I can't belive a 27 year old man is hitting on me. I wanna run.

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