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2 | One Two Three Days

Coffees and Cherries


Coffee. She tasted like coffee with a hint of cherries. I'm not much of a fan of coffees but I can't seem to get enough of her taste. It's addicting.

I chance a look at her while driving us back to her condo, arms crossed on her chest, and cap pulled so low it hides her eyes

She's addicting.

I feel her slightly push away from me but I'm enjoying this too much. I know she does too. I pull her closer to me and won't let go until breathing became a problem for the both of us.

"Uh... uhmm.." she fidgets, color rushing to her cheeks. She buried her face into her hands, hiding from me as she blushed so hard. Cute.

"Maine, I—"

"I knew it!"

Our heads snapped to where the voice came from. Elle was stood at the end of the alleyway, a finger pointed at the two of us while her other hand clasped on her mouth.

"Keep it down, Elle!" another voice was coming closer, Lucas. "The fan girls might—oh shi..tzu! Were they—"

"No!" Maine and I hissed at the same time.

Elle looked at us incredulously. "Really? You're going to deny it now? I just caught you two making out here in the... get a room!"

I don't know if my face could get any redder than how it is now.

"Oh shut it, Elle," Lucas pushed her back inside the backdoor of the shop. "You two better leave now. Benji pointed them the wrong direction though they might be coming back now. Go! Shoo!"

With that, he followed Elle inside the shop.

"Right. So about what happened a while ago—"

"Nothing. Nothing happened, RJ," Maine facepalms herself though I can still see her crimson face, taming a ghost of a smile. "Let's go before they see us."

"RJ, stop staring!"

"What? I'm driving!"

She huffed and looked out the window, muttering, "Damn face, stop blushing."

"Ha?" She will deny it, I'm sure. I just hope she knows that when it comes to her, even in a full house concert with blasting music on every corner, I hear only her laugh, her singing, her voice.

She groans, I smile. "Just drive."

We tried—I tried, key word, tried—real hard not to think of what happened earlier this morning. We tried to hangout like it was just any other day that we get a day off, usually Sundays like this one when SPS is taped, and I don't have other commitments (Maine always sees to it that she's work free on Sundays).

I tried, really, but my mind kept going back to that darkened alleyway. She doesn't seem to get bothered by it while on the other hand, I can't get my mind off it. Coffee. I think I need coffee. I went back to Kenopsia after spending the rest of the day at Maine's.

The shop's welcome bell rang as I enter through the front doors. In contrast to its earlier atmosphere, Kenopsia is desserted.

"I'm sorry but we're—oh, sir Alden, I mean RJ. Sir RJ, hi. What can I do for you? Did ma'am Maine leave anything or what?"

"Good evening, Benji. No, it's just me this time."

"O-okay. I was just about to close the shop for the day but I guess I can get you your usual?"

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