Chapter 9

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I was walking out of the park when I got a call. It was Jazz.

"Hey!" I said answering my phone.

"Hey! You sound happy today. I was expecting anger or some crying from you. You know because of yesterday."

"Yea I know but apparently people think I'm a cosplayer. They don't think my ears and tail are real. So I am free to walk around." I said my smiling growing.

"I'm glad to here it! Oh the reason I called was because my dad wants to do some tests. Nothing serious but just to figure out the effects."

"It won't hurt will it?"

"He said it won't be bad. He just wants to make sure what happened last night won't happen again."

"Yea ok. I get it. I'll head over to the lab in a few."

"Ok see you then."

I hung up and started making my way to the lab. I realized it was going to be a long walk and sighed. I then noticed the fire escape leading to the roof and I got an idea.

"Y/n you are crazy." I said to myself. I climbed the fire escape to the roof and walked to the edge. The jump to the next room wasn't bad but the drop was. I gulped. I stepped back and then ran taking a flying leap. Landing on the next. I looked back.

"That was.... Actually easy." I turned back around and started to run to the next roof. I jumped from building to building with ease. I started to laugh. It practically felt like I was flying. Soon I arrived at the lab. Looking down I saw a window open. I jumped and right before I missed I grabbed the ledge of the window and pulled myself in laughing.

"That's the most fun I've had in a long time." I said between laughter.

"Y/n? Did you just clime through the 4th floor window?" Asked Jazz who had walked in.

"Yea! Yea I did." I stood up and walked with her to her dad's office telling her what I did.

"You could of hurt yourself!" She said shocked.

"Honestly I don't think I could. It's like I was aware of everything around me and what I could and couldn't do. It was great!"

We walked Into the office to see Prof. Goodman looking into a microscope. He looked up.

"Hello y/n welcome back."

"Hello P.G."

"P.G?" He asked looking confused.

"Yea that's what I decided to call you. It easer to say. Professor Goodman is a mouth full."

"I see." He stared at me then smiled. "I like it. Now are you ready to start our testing?"

"It's not going to hurt will it?"

"It will not hurt much. I know that sounds scary but I need to try out different things. I promise it won't be awful."

"Ok. I guess."

"Come and sit over here in front of me." He said pulling a chair over. I sat down and he pulled out a note book.

"Now then let's begin."

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