Chapter 21

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Raphs pov:

After Y/N took off I tried to catch up with her but she had been to fast. She had vanished from my sight and I had no idea where she was. I had been chasing her for so long I had ended up on the other side of the city. The sun was going to set soon. I scratched the back of my head and sighed. I didn't understand why she had gotten so upset. It was just a card for crying out loud. With a name of a fat guy in suit on it. Why...why did she look so hurt. Why do I feel like it's my fault. I needed to find her and apologize. Even though I don't know what I'm apologizing for. I need her to smile again.

"Maybe she went back to her house." I mumbled as I started back. Suddenly I heard a high pitch howl.

"Y/n?" I quickly turned around and started to run. I heard the howl again but this one sounded different. It sounded like it was cut short. I ran faster. Fear taking over.

"Please be ok."

I heard talking then a truck starting up. I got to the edge of the building just in time to see and white van driving off. I immediately recognized the driver as one of the guys y/n was attacking a couple nights ago.


I ran across the building trying to keep up. I chased them to a tunnel. I jumped on top of it and ran to the other side waiting for them to come out. But they never did. I looked behind me but there weren't any trucks.

"Where did they go?" I asked myself. I ran into the tunnel but saw nothing.

"Y/n...." I pulled my t-phone out and sent a mass text.

"Emergency! Meet me at the lab."


Soon I arrived at the lab. When I walked in I saw Donnie standing next to Jazz talking. He turned to me.

"Raph? Why are you here?"

"Where is y/n?" Asked Jazz.

"You didn't get my text?" I asked Donnie ignoring Jazz's question for now.

"No. My phone was destroyed yesterday after y/n's attack. Why? What's up?"

"Then why are you he... You know what I don't care." Just then Leo and Mickey jumped through the window.

"Raph what's going on?" Leo asked.

"Y/n was kidnapped."

"What?!" Jazz shouted.

"By who?" Professor G asked. He had walked in.

"Those two from the other night. The ones that attacked her and Jazz."

"Why would they want her?" Micky asked.

"Who cares! We need to go find her!" I shouted.

"Raph calm down. I know your worried. But we need to figure out where she is first. We also need to know what we are stepping into." Leo said in his stupid leader voice.

"I can probably answer that." Spoke up the professor. We all looked at him for answers.

"They work for shredder."

"Aw crap." I groaned as I rubbed my face with my hand.

"Why would they want y/n?" Jazz asked looking scarred.

"Well she was a success. In there eyes anyways."

"A success?" Leo asked.

"The day they came here they wanted to steel my formulas. They want to creat an army of mutants. To use on the city."

"But she looses control and attacks anything around her. How can they use her if she won't listen?" Donny asked.

"It's easy to control something that has no control over itself. Any animal can be tamed." He shook his head in disgust.

"What will they do to her?" Micky asked.

"I don't know for certain but it won't be pleasant." He said sadly. I started to shake in anger.

"If they touch a hair on her head I will kill them. " I growled.

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