~Naughty~ 8

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As soon as we get to the stupid mall, I immediately regret going with Luna. I always do. I swear this woman is crazy. When we get to Charlotte Russe, she runs inside and knocks over a stupid rack while trying to get over to the shirt she's been waiting to come in. She just leaves all of the clothes on the ground while she yanks off her shirt to try on the pink lacy skank shirt. Yes, right in front of everyone. I jump in front of her as she stands there in her bra. "Luna, are you crazy?" I throw my arms up as a few people walk by, laughing at her.

Luna leans around me and winks at a couple of old ladies as they walk by. "You like what you see, grannies? Keep walking." Then she points at her bra. "Yeah, that's right... looks nice, right?"

I slap her on the arm. "Hurry up! Put your damn shirt back on. I can't believe you."

She throws her shirt back on and then throws the other one over her shoulder. "What? I'm so not waiting for ten minutes on one of these slow ass employees to let me in one of those dressing rooms just for me to take two minutes to try on a shirt." She points over at the dressing rooms where there's at least five people waiting in line.

A few people look at us as we walk over to the counter to pay. I'm so embarrassed that I just want to crawl in a hole somewhere and never come out. "Let's just hurry up and get out of here."

We walk past a pair of dark jeans on the way out and Luna reaches to pick them up. "I love these! Maybe I should..."

I grab her arm and pull her out of the store. "No! You are not trying those damn pants on."

She slaps my arm and tries biting it. "You damn prude. You ruin all of my fun." She puts out her bottom lip and pouts. Unbelievable!

I walk over to the food court with Luna following behind me. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that your meaning of fun is stripping in the mall. You could probably get arrested for that." I look around to make sure no security was coming to jump on us or something.

We walk over to Kobe's Japan to get some Chicken Teriyaki and the little girl is standing out front with her samples. Luna reaches over and grabs one off of the plate and shoves it in her mouth. "Mmm.. that's good. I'm so hungry." Then she quickly reaches over again and grabs a few more off of the plate. She knows the lady hates her samples being touched. That lady is crazy.

The little Japanese lady gives her a dirty look and tries snatching them back. "You only take one. You don't touch, I give to you." She reaches for it again as Luna shoves them both in her mouth.

I grab Luna by the arm and pull her away. "I'm sorry." I look at the lady and apologize to her as we walk up to order our food.

Luna pulls away and orders our food. "Two Chicken Teriyakis with fried rice and extra meat." She leans in close to the guy making it. "Don't forget my extra meat."

The guy looks at her and shakes his head. I swear, I can't take her anywhere!

When the food was done, Luna leans in close to the glass window as he puts the chicken on our plates. She taps on the window and points at her plate. "Remember... extra meat."

The guy throws an extra piece of chicken on the plate and laughs as he sets it on the counter. I grab both of our plates before Luna can talk. "Thank you very much." I find us a table and set our food down.

"What! He only added on piece. I'll-" She stops and takes a breath to calm herself.

Luna grabs a fork and stabs my hand when I grab for the wrong plate. "Back off, biotch, that one's mine." She takes a forkful and shoves it in her mouth.

I rub my hand where she stabbed me and then I sit back and enjoy my food. I could eat this everyday if it was possible. I sit back after I stuff my face and look at Luna. She looks like she's about to burst. "Well, are you full now?"

Luna lays her head on her empty plate and lets out a deep breath. Eww!! "Oh god... yes. I can't breathe." Then she sits up and rubs her stomach. "So tell me the details."

I lean forward and drink my soda. "What do you mean? I don't know what you mean."

Luna rubs her hands together and jumps around in her seat. "Did you get to taste those sexy lips yet? Kale is so sexy, there's no way you can stay a virgin around him."

I sit up and cover Luna's mouth. "Damn it Luna, don't say that so loud, and yes I can, and no I haven't."

She bites my hand. "Haven't what?"

I get all nervous as she continues to babble so I end up talking louder than I expected. "...Tasted his sexy lips." A few older people give me disgusted looks as they walk by.

One of the old ladies stops and shakes her finger in my face with her flab flapping in front of me. "Keep your filthy sex talk at home in private, you little mattress kitten." Then she shakes her head and walks away.

I look over when I hear Luna laughing. She's pretty much on the floor rolling around. "Mattress kitten! Hell yeah! That old lady rocks!"

I knew I should've stayed with Kale and Tristin. Embarrassed, I grab my things and start walking away. "Come on... and get off of the floor."

Luna gets up and follows behind me. "Oh what, did I embarrass you? You know I love you." She puts out her bottom lip and points at it. "Look... it's the lip. You can't resist the lip."

I can't help but to laugh as she gives me the Puss in Boots look. "And no, I will not be giving it away to Kale. I want to wait 'till I'm ready."

Luna gives me her "whatever you say" look as we jump in the car.

I grab her candy out of her hand as we head home. I take a bite and then throw it in her lap with only a tiny bite left. "Thanks." I say while chewing on the Payday.

She shoves the rest of it in her mouth and then kicks her feet up. "Anytime."

I can't help but to wonder just how she and Brendon ended up kissing the other night. I look at her out of the corner of my eye and laugh. "How the hell did you end up kissing Brendon the other night, anyways?"

She looks at me embarrassed and then looks out the window. "That wasn't me. That was some evil skank that looks just like me."

I roll my eyes and turn down our street. "I think you are the evil skank that looks like you."

She throws her head back and laughs. "Yeah... I think you're right. That still doesn't mean that I don't hate Brendon, because I still do, and if he tries kissing me again, I will bite his tasty tongue off."

I wonder what Kale taste like. I close my eyes and picture his lips. I look up when I hear Luna scream. "Shit! What?"

She starts laughing. "Nothing.. I just wanted to scare you out of your daydream of having sex with Kale."

I snap my head around to look at her as we pull in the drive. "I wasn't daydreaming about sex with him. I'm stronger than that."


I've been a very bad babysitter (Old and unedited) 2013Where stories live. Discover now