That guy in class

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I yawned, bored out of my mind. This class was the most boring one in the universe, I thought. I gotta get out of here.

The teacher droned on and on about 'doing what you want' and 'being a part of your dreams'. Well he wasn't a part of my dreams right now.

It was the first day of my senior year and so far, I didn't want to go to this school for another year.

I sighed, leaning onto my books. My big blue eyes swirled towards the door. Open, I thought. Open and make something interesting happen.

Then the door opened. I blinked.

A small boy with purple hair (yeah I said purple) slipped in. He bowed at the teacher. I expected Mr. Howards to yell at him. He hates people being late.

But Mr. H just gave him a little nod and the boy ran to find a seat. There were a lot of people and there wasn't a seat. Except the one next to me.

"Hey!" I hissed at the faltering boy. "Here!"

He smiled when he saw the seat next to me and skipped over. I removed my bags and he sat down, breathless.

"Hi." I whispered.

"Hi." He panted.

"I'm Scott."

He smiled the most beautiful smile in the universe. "I'm Mitch."

"I don't think I've seen you before. Are you new? Because I don't think I'd forget you if I ever saw you." I pointed at his hair. He grinned.

"No actually I've been going to this school for years now. That's how I'm here, duh!"

"Oh really?" I smiled. "Well then. Let's kick some senior butt together!"

Mitch laughed. "Yeah of course."

I looked at him with interest.
This year was going to be interesting, I thought. I like him.


Class finally ended and I ran out to find my best friend, Kirstie. We both had Math next period so I wanted to go to class with her.

"Kirti Burti!!" I screamed. Kirstie whipped around.

"Scotti Motti!!" She screamed back. We both ran into each other's arms and kissed each other's cheek.

"Hey Burti you make new friends?" I asked. She sighed. "No not yet. I didn't even talk to anyone new. You?"

"Well I'm in Choir with Avi, so I talked to him. Tori, Lindsey and Troye were there too, so I talked to them. You know, I've been in Choir with them for years?"

Kirstie nodded. "Yeah yeah I know, you're lucky but I mean did you meet anyone NEW. And when I say new, I mean cute."

I thought. "Actually, yeah. I met this really cute guy. He has pretty hair and he has a really cute laugh."

"Omg who is he" Kirstie demanded. I laughed.

"He's in Choir. You should've taken Choir with me. There's a ton of people we know."

"I wanted to, but I forgot! And when I got online to sign up, all the places were taken!"

I ruffled her hair. "Aww. Don't worry. I'm sure there'll be a lot of cute guys in your classes too."

She sighed. "I hope. Or else I might spend my whole last year of college with no cute guys. And you know how horrible that is to not have cute guys around you!!"

"Like a kife to the heart?"

"Exactly. Ugh I need a boyfriend."

I laughed at my desperate friend. But in the back of my head was the guy I met in Choir, Mitch.



hi whattup it's me Charlie Brown heeeyyy
some of you might know me from some of my other books. They're quite good, not to brag.. *coughs*

Thanks for reading, you won't regret it


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