Memories (pt.2)

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"Scott!" Kirstie exclaimed, running to me as I entered the school gates. "Hey! Where have you been, yesterday! You bunked off Math and Choir. I've been worried."

"Hi, uhm. I had some important buisness."

"There you go again. What buisness? What are you talking about? You never tell me. Why?"


I had to tell her.

She was my everything.

"My mother.....she came back into my life."

Kirstie's eyes widened. "What? When??"

So I told her.


Me and Kirstie sat in Starbucks in silence.

"Why..." Kirstie started. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I...I didn't know what to say.."

"So what do you feel, now that your mother is back?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. But what really bothers me is that she treated me and my father like the past.  But now she's being so nice to me..."

"And you don't want that?"

"...Not really."

"Well then. Why are you telling me this?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You wasn't going to tell me if this wasn't something important. This must be important to you in some way."

"No, I-"

"Don't try to deny it!" Kirstie cried. "Please."

I bit my lip, not saying anything. Kirstie was about to say something but just then a loud ding echoed around the cafe.

"....Aren't you gonna get that?" I asked.

"It's not mine."

Just then I saw Darleen, a friend in french class, pick up her phone. She blinked at her phone slowly.

Just then a few other phones rang around the cafe, including Kirstie's. I saw people picking up their phones.

They were all our school students.


I blinked. "Huh?"

Kirstie showed me her phone.

It was a video.

Of me.

Me talking to myself.

But I wasn't supposed to be by myself.

"No no no. I was just asking that to decide on the place we'll meet. And what did you say just now....'First date'?"

"I love you."


It was all the conversations I had with Mitch.

But there was no Mitch.

I was talking to myself.

There was no one there next to me.

".....What is this?" Kirstie asked slowly.

"I....I don't know why....that was all with Mitch... Who sent you this..?"

"Kevin. Wait what did you just say....Mitch?"

"Yeah. That cute guy I always talked about."

Kirstie's face drained. "Mitch....?"


Her big brown eyes shook. She bit her lip and stared at my expression. "Scott. Those videos...they were all taken when you were with.."

"Mitch, yes."

Kirstie still stared at my face. "What does he do? I mean, does he talk to you and stuff?"

I blinked. "Yeah. We're going out."

"No you're not!"

I stared. "Excuse me?"

"Mitch Grassi isn't this school's student. Mitch Grassi was our highschool classmate."

I blinked and blinked. "WHAT? I don't..."

"Scott. Why are you seeing him?"

"Maybe he's here. Even though I can't remember....Maybe he came here with us."

"That's impossible."


"....He's dead."

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