Memories (pt.1)

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I ran across the school screaming and fell onto Mitch's back. He squealed and we laughed, happy.

"Scotto!" Mitch exclaimed. "What are you..!"

"You wanna come to my house after-"


I turned around to see a black K9 parked on school ground. The window scrolled down and I saw my mother, her hands on the handle.

"Over here. Come come."

I rolled my eyes. What was she doing here?

"I gotta go." I complained to a very confused looking Mitch. "Family problems."

He nodded. "That's okay. Go ahead."

I ran over to the big bad car and got in.

"Well." My mother exclaimed. "I didn't think it would be this easy. I thought you'd have a fit not to get in."

"Well I'm not young and childish anymore." I said. Then I looked around the car. "Good car. A  life goal for a widow, eh?"

Mother sighed. "That was just-"

"I guess Milkilangie is a pretty rich guy."

"He is. He has three mansions all for himself."

"I thought so. All you care about is money, anyway."

"I care about more than that, Scott. I care about my life. I care about you."

"Your life maybe but I don't go for the last one. Seriously, you think I'll actually believe that?"

"I had to try."

"Whatever. Anyway..why are you here?"

"I told Milkilangie about you and he really wanted to meet you. And I told him I would let him meet you today."

"And what about my permission?"

"I knew you would say yes."

I sighed. "Fine. But just this once."

Mother laughed and drove through some trees. 

"Are we there yet?" I asked.



"Are we there yet?"

"Not yet."


"Are we there yet?"

"Yes." Mother pointed at the cottage near a huge tree. "It's right there."

"Huh. Pretty ordinary house for a rich german dude."

"Yes. Milkilangie didn't want a fancy house so we decided on a small little cottage."

I sighed. "Whatever."

"Oh! Miki!!!!" Mother jumped out of the car and ran over to a handsome old man standing by the house.

"This is Scott. My son. Scott, this is Milkilangie. My husband. Say hi."

"Hi." I said shortly.

"Hello. It's really nice to meet you. Please, call me Miki. Hi."

"Well. Why don't we go inside?" Mother grabbed my arm and pulled me in. Milkilangie followed.


"Well I gotta get going now." Milkilangie said, putting his cup if tea down. "It was nice meeting you, Scott."

"Why? Where are you going?" I asked, putting my feet down.

"Uhm. I gotta go meet some people. I'm not rich for nothing. You two hang around a bit."


"Bye hunni." Mother said, kissing the guy.

"Draaaammmmaaa" I sang.

"Drama? What are you talking about?"

"I thought Connie Hoying was a woman who couldn't learn to love. It seems she could learn to love a guy with money."

"Shhhhhhiiiiiiiiitttttttttt. Like you could love anyone after-"


"N....never mind."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Anyway, I found someone to love. I got a date."

"You have?" Mother raised an eyebrow. "That's so weird. Who is it?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"I'm your mother. Tell me now."

I sighed. "FINEE. He's a guy in Choir."

"Choir? What's his name?"

"....Mitch. Mitch Grassi."

Mother's face turned white, instantly crupling. "Mitch....Grassi?"

I nodded. "Yeah. He sings and he has a really great voice. He's awesome. Why?"

"And you just met this school?"

I nodded again. "Why? Do you know him?"

Mother stared at my expression.

"What? What is it?" I demanded.

"....Nothing. Uhm....Tell me something about him."

"...Well. His voice is really high. He has a pretty face and he's a good kisser." I looked at my mother's face.

"...Mitch Grassi?"

"Mitchelle Coby Grassi."

Mother let out a shaky breath, nodding. "Well. Okay then. It's getting late. You should get going."

"...It's 6:20."

"See? Late. Oh and I work at your school now. I teach the freshmen. If you need anything, just come to me. Third Floor, Classroom B."

"That's awsome. Bye." I said, standing up. I kept staring at my mother's blank face.

"Yeah." My mother said. "Bye."

But as I stepped outside, I heard her voice again.

"..Mitch Grassi. Never thought to hear that name again."

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