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I opened my eyes slowly, groaning as the pain hit me. "Ugh.....Where am I....?"

I didn't expect anyone to answer, but Kirstie was sitting next to me and she answered I was in the hospital quietly.

"....Why..?" Just then the memories hit me.

From the old to now.

the demented woman screaming at me.

the people saying sorry for my loss.

I closed my eyes and screamed.

Me running away from the Hoying household.

Me meeting Kirstie.

Me meeting Mitch, except the figuar of Mitch was replaced by only his smile and silhouette, like the Cheshire Cat.

The Mitch silhouette with me everytime, kissing, happy.

him leaving my life.

Me running around the school crazily.

People looking at me like I was crazy.

I was crazy.

I was jerked out of my trance and I fell on the hospital bed, shaking and gasping.

"It's okay, Scott. Dr. Oakley will help you."

I blinked, looking up. "Dr......"

"Hello Scott. I'm Dr. Oakley. Psychology Doctor. Call me Tyler."

I stood up. "You got me a Psychologist? I'm out."

"Stay." Mother commanded from behind Kirstie. I sighed and sat down.

"Uhm, Scott. We did a simple tests while you were....'asleep'."

"What tests can you do when-" My eyes opened wide. "You hypnotized me."

"We had to Scott, believe us."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Go ahead."

" you know what happened to Mitch..?"

".....Kirstie told me.....he died a long time ago."

"And you don't remember?"

I shook my head no.

"Uhm, you told me you had...visions."

I nodded.

"Visions that seemed like...."

"Memories, yes."

"Uhm. Scott. Doctor Oakley told me to tell you about what happened to Mitch." Kirstie said quietly.

The doctor nodded at Kirstie's words. "Yes."

I nodded. I was acting cool but in reality I was freaking out. I was scared.

"Mitch Grassi was our highschool friend. We met him at the first year of highschool in Choir. You and him instantly hit it off and soon I heard the happy happy news that you guys were dating.

"You were both very very happy. But as the wind swishes the happiness didn't last very long."

"Why? What happened?"

"I didn't even know at first. One called me at night and cried on the phone. You told me Mitch's mother had a very bad illness and was weary of dying.

"She was half demented and she couldn't even remember Mitch and his sister sometimes. Mitch said he was going to move with his mother to Rome to get a bigger hospital.

"Which meant Mitch had to move too. At first we both thought nothing wrong about it. But we soon found out Mitch wasn't moving away.

He was running away."

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