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I have never written smutt of fluff before.
this is gonna be gross


*peeps out slowly from my den*

don't be scared! read!

don't be shy ///


"Wait! Kevin!" I shrieked.

"C'mon. Just one night."

"No, Kevin I'm not gonna sleep with you!"

He frowned. "Why not?"


"I know I know but c'mon! Just for enjoyment! I haven't had that in years and I'm guessing it's  the same for you too."

I blinked. "I..."

Kevin started to kiss down my neck. "If anyone asks, tell them I made you drunk okay? Not that anyone will."

My heart beat so much.

I kept remembering Mitch that afternoon, running away from me.

I didn't want that.

I grabbed his waist and pulled him close.
Kevin laughed and tore my shirt off. "I knew it."

"You'll hurt Avi, Kevin." I said, breathing fast.

"Well guess what?" Kevin pulled down my jeans and undid his as well. "Avi's not here."

I closed my eyes. "I'm so sorry Avi." I whispered.

Then I pulled the covers over.

(ha don't hate me I didn't write fluff al this time and I'm not going toooooooo until just the right time)



The road was floded. The ambulance came, the firemen came, everyone was whispering.

"W...what's going on?"

My voice rang across the road and everyone turned and faced me. A woman half demented made a tsking sound.

"Too bad little boy. Too bad."

I awoke with a start. I breathed hard, trying to forget the dream. I was having that dream a lot lately and I didn't know what it was.

It was more than just a dream.
It was a memory.
A memory I couldn't remember.

Next to me was a man, asleep. That was when I noticed I was naked. Suddenly, last night's memory hit me.

I shrieked and stumbled off the bed. Kevin woke up and crawled over to me. "Are you okay??" He called.

How could I be?

I spent a night with my best friend's boyfriend.

I must've been crazy.

"K...Kevin.....What happened last night...?" I stuttered. I was bothered enough by the dreams and I didn't need another problem to think about. Kevin smiled.

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