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"Hey. You wanna go for a drink at Mpub tonight?" Kirstie called at me, walking over. I smiled. Mpub had been our hangout for years.

"Yeah I do. Mpub is my man!"

Just then I saw Mitch, walking out of the school.

"Wait just a moment." I said to Kirstie and ran over to him. "Wait!"

He turned. "Oh...! Scott, right?"

I nodded, slightly breathless. "Yeah..You....going home?"

"Yup. Oh wait, is that your girlfriend there?" He pointed at Kirstie. She waved.

"Who, Kirstie? Girlfriend?" I burst out laughing. Mitch stared at me. "What...?" He asked.

"Oh no. Kirstie's not my girlfriend. We've known each other since....kindergarden? We have zero feelings for each other."

I paused. "I have zero feelings for her."

Mitch grinned. "Oh that's good to hear. Uhm, I  have to go now Scott. See you tomorrow?"

I nodded. "Yeah. See you then. Wait, can I have your number? I'd like to call you sometime."

"Awww, that's sweet." Mitch said, smiling a little. "But no. You can't have my number because...I don't have a phone."

I frowned. "You don't have a phone?" I repeated. Mitch nodded.

"But I'd like to meet up with you sometime later as well." Then he whipped around with a worried look. "But I have to go. See you tomorrow."

I nodded and even before I could say bye, he was gone. I sighed and walked back to Kirstie.


"Hey why did you dash off by yourself?" Kirstie asked suddenly. We were at the pub by then, and she was drinking.

"When?" I asked blankly. I wasn't drinking. I was staying sober.

"Back at school. You said you had to go and dashed off by yourself." She stared at her empty cup and screamed, "REFILLLLL!"

"Ohh. I was talking to a friend. You know, the one with the pretty hair and face?"

"Ohh yeah. What's his name, Because I'd like to get to know him!!" Then she laughed, drunk. "No I don't."

I grinned, remembering the purnette. "Yeah...his name is-"

Suddenly Kirstie put her face very close infront of me. I flinched and started backing away. "Uhm..K?"

"I have to tell you something huuunni"

"Oookay but can you tell it to me over there-"

Her lips smashed into mine and cut me off. My eyes grew wide as I stared at my best friend's head.

"Mmmmhmmmshhhuhgh." I mumbled, trying to push her lips off mine. It didn't work.

"Oh Scottt..." Kirstie whispered between kisses, bending over me. I wanted to scream, ARE YOU CRAZY? GET OFF OF ME I'M GAY!!

But I didn't. I pushed her off and held her so she couldn't come back to me.

"You're drunk." I said, trying to remain calm. "You are one hundered persent drunk and you won't even remember this later."

"I'm not drunk!" Kirstie yelled. "I wanted to do that for like twenty years but you were gay for all of them! I never got the chance!"

"Kirstie, you're drunk. Let's go home."

"I love you."

I stopped.
Kirstie...loved me.
My best friend loved me.

"I've been loving you for years now and I still do. I wanted you as my boyfriend."


"Why do you have to be fucking homosexual?!"

I stared at her. "Now you've gone a little too far. That's homophobic talk gurl."

"I'm not homophobiccccc! I'm just in LOVE with you."

I sighed, slumping over to one side.
I had no feelings for Kirstie and she loved me.

"I looooove yoooou. Llllllloooov-"

I put my hand over her mouth and stroked her hair. She struggled at first and I held her tighter.

"Shhh. You're dreaming. I heard nothing. You said nothing. It's all in your head.."

Kirstie struggled and struggled until she was fast asleep. I watched her.

"I....I love you.." She whispered in her sleep.

"Oh Kirstie." I said, fiddling with her hair.

"Like I didn't know."

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