Avi's very nice boyfriend

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I smiled at Avi who was drinking heavily.

"Slow down dude. It's a long night."

Avi grasped his jug and lowered his head. "I knowww finally! Out of the social world! With my boyfriend and the friend I luuuv."

I tilted his chin and laughed. "Okay okay sweetheart. Drink whatever you want. It's not like I can't pay or anything. Pffft."

I'm rich.
Well not me. My parents.
My parents are stinkin' rich but I don't like them a bit. So I left my house when I was ten.

Avi chuckled. "Kakaka. Yea. Rich kiid."

Kevin raised an eyebrow. "Rich?"

I nodded, raising my eyebrows. "Yah yah I'm very very rich. My parents own West Appleton."

"W.A?! Are you serious?"

"You know the W.A company?"

Kevin nodded. "duh. Everyone knows West Appleton."

I laughed. "Yeah well. I'm not in that family anymore, so..."

The big man's dark eyes gleamed a little. "Aww. You're that long lost only son of the WA?  How precious. So you live alone, then?"

I nodded. "I don't have a date so."

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh then."

He then picked his jug up and started to drink. He drank and drank until his jug was completely empty.

"Gahhh." He groaned. "I'm soooooooo happy!"

I blinked. "Dude."

"My lliffe is a bbbbbbllllaaaaassssssst."

"Okay it's clear you're drunk. So is Avi."

He frowned. "I'm not drunk!" He spat. "I'm totally sober right now! Don't you dare call me drunk, Scott Hoying I will break you down!"

He giggled. "Kiddin'!"

"Oh god." I groaned. "C'mon. Let's get you home." I glanced over at Avi, who had passed out. "I guess he ain't gonna help."

"J...just send him home on a taxi!" Kevin blabbered, whipping his jacket off. I nodded.

"I guess I should. Can you go home, Kev? Can you tell me where you live?"

Kevin shook his head. "Hoff...." He laughed.

I sighed. "Well how are you going home then?" I backed up a bit, trying to figure out a way to carry both men.

"I'm not goin' home baby." He said, staggering up. "I'm livin!"

"Should I send him to Avi's?" I mumbled to myself, trying to pull Avi's arms and legs to stay aline. Kevin shrieked.

"Mmmeeee? Avii's?! Avi's a virgin, daddy! You don't know what I'll do to break his purity! I've been wanted to do it for daaays!"

I nodded. "Yeah you're right. Hey. You wanna stay at my place? I got enough rooms for two hundered men, let alone two."

Kevin raised an eyebrow. "Oh you so wanna show off." Then he shrugged. "Yea whatevs."

I smiled and picked Avi up. "C'mon." I called.

"Follow me."


We arrived at my place and I fell on the couch. Kevin stared around my house, staggering.

"Oh baby. This place kicks some swweeet ass."

I laughed, tired. "Yeah. There's like, a bathroom in every room, so go nuts. I'll be in my den."

I began to stand but was pushed back. I blinked. "Excuse me?"

Kevin grabbed my shirt and fell on top of me. "Too bad you're sober." He muttered. "This would be a lot easier if you weren't."

I stared. "What? What are you-"

Then I realized.
His hands were on my belt buckle.

He was undoing my belt.


what did I write omg

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