You idiot

88 7 1

"What happened?"

"What's going on?"

"Call the cops!"



"Wha....what's going on? Where's..."

"....I'm sorry..."

I woke up, screaming.
I had that dream again.
It was getting stronger and stronger.
I was almost positive it was a memory.

I just had to remember it.

"Mr. Hoying?"

I blinked.
I wasn't in my bed.
I wasn't even in my house.

I had fallen in sleep during choir.

"Is there a reason you screamed out loud during my class?" Mr. Howard called.

I blinked. "huh?.."

Mitch stiffled a laughed next to me and I saw Kevin roll his eyes.


"Do you care to tell me?"


The class all laughed and I blushed.

"I should ask this again. WHY did you scream in my class, and I expect you to answer this time."

I nodded. "I'm sorry Mr. H."

Mr. Howard sighed and motioned for me to sit down. I did, not meeting Mitch's eyes.

"Ayyyy look at you mr. misbehavin'."

"Sweetheart shut up"

"What's next, getting in a fight with Mrs. Janks for not polishing the floors clean enough?"

"You have a pretty face Mitch. Please don't make me hurt it."

Mitch rolled his eyes. "Don't worry. I love a guy with an attitude."

I blushed and Mitch smiled. "You're cute."

"Stop joking around sis I mean it"

"I do too." Mitch leaned in really close. "I mean it."

"OKAY this'll do for today. Class dismissed." Mr.Howard called out. I grabbed my books and bags and ran out, my face on fire.


"Wait, Scott! Scott!" Mitch called after me but I didn't answer. I had to get away from him. I was going to go hard if he kept on with the whispering and face closing in.

"Scott WAIT"

"Mitch please go away"

"Why are you running away from me?" A hand closed around my wrist and I whipped around.

"LOOK I can't talk right now, alright? I just.."

Mitch put his lips on mine. I stared at him, totally surprised. "Mitch what are you..."

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