Truth Bom

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#LoveIsLove       #PrayForOlando

still flashback gurls hang on

I curled up next to Mitch. I had convinced him to stay in my car for the night. Mitch was shivering in his sleep. I watched him.

"Mitchie..." I said quietly. "Please be okay. I love you so much..."

Mitch stirred and I decided I should sleep too. I fell back in my seat and closed my eyes.


How I wish I hadn't.

When I woke up the next morning, Mitch was gone.

I ran out of my car and searched everywhere.

Every place of the beach.

Mitch wasn't there.

When I ran back to my car, I found a note.

I'm sorry I had to leave.
I know you're gonna bring me back someday.
I can't.
I'm sorry.

And I'm sorry about leaving you.

I'm sorry but I really can't go back. The men are out there for me and I can't risk my mother's life for me.

And thank you. For loving me.

For letting me feel loved.

For being someone I can love.

So thank you. So much.

And I love you.

I'll miss you.

Love, your Mitchie.

I shrieked.
I grabbed my handle and drove back to Mitch's house like mad.

But I was too late.


The road was floded. The ambulance came, the firemen came, everyone was whispering.

"W...what's going on?"

My voice rang across the road and everyone turned and faced me. Mitch's mother made a tsking sound.

"Too bad little boy. Too bad."

"What? No....Please..."

"YOU KILLED MY SON!!!" She said, suddenly trying to strangle me. "YOU KILLED HIM!"

Kirstie appeared from next to me. "Enough!" She yelled, pulling the woman away.

Tears fell down my cheek as I freed myself from Kirstie and stumbled towards Mitch's house, walking through the heavy crowd.

Some people stopped me but I didn't care.

I walked and walked until I was at the end.

Tears poured down my cheeks as I saw the dead body of what used to be mine.

"Oh, Mitch...."

I gasped as I was jerked out of my memories and back to real life. I coughed and spluttered and collapsed onto the bed, shivering.

" okay..?" Kirstie asked quietly.

I nodded.

"Do you remember..?"

I nodded again.

"So....what do you want?"

I looked up.

"I want my phone."

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