He's Back

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I stared at my phone gloomily.

I had thirty seven Facebook notifications and fourty three on Twitter.

I clicked on it.

"Scott Hoying ran out of class. He was screaming the mutt's name. Mitch."

"Oh hunni that's nothing. I heard that he's in the hospital."

"I saw him screamin at Mr. Howards too. I almost wet myself, he was so scary."

"Oh dear dear. He's finally gone mad."

I closed my eyes and fell on my bed. I was known as the total mad man now.

And maybe I was.

Dr. Oakley told me I wasn't mad, I was just trying to bring back old memories. Well I was pretty sure he said that to all his patients so that didn't help.

Just then I heard a small knock on the door.

"Come in."

Kirstie peeped her head in. "Am I bothering anything?"

I shook my head. "Come in."

She did, carefully stepping in. "Uhm....how's everything going?"

"Fine. except the fact that I'm a complete madman at school for everyone."

"Oh....You saw that..?"

I sighed. "It's all over the internet." I handed her my phone. Her face paled. "Oh."

"I can't go back. Everyone will think-"

"Who cares?"

I blinked. "What?"

"Who cares what they think? What matters is if you are okay now. What's going on? Are you okay?"

I took a deep breath. "No." I admitted. "But I'm healing. I think. I'm just...scared."

"Scared? About what?"

"I....I didn't remember Mitch completely and I almost lived with it. And my mind brought him back...what if there are so much things I'm forgetting right now?"

"Scott. It's okay. Believe in yourself. You loved Mitch and it was a huge shock. Things like that happen."

"...You've been talking to Dr. Oakley, haven't you?"

"Okay but for the herb tea!"

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

Kirstie stopped talking, and she started to step out. She stopped.

"And....don't worry. I'll always be here if you have something wrong. I promise."

I smiled. "Thanks, K."

Just then the hospital door burst open and an old friend flew in. I blinked rapidly.



I blinked. "Well I thought-"

"I WAS SO WORRIED...!" Avi's eyes filled with tears and he fell onto my chest. I squealed.

"...But....I thought.."

"When I heard about you.....I told everyone you weren't the guy to be like that. I knew there must've been an explanation so I called Kirstie. She told me everything."

".........I thought you hated me."

Avi closed his eyes. "I'm sorry Scott. I should've known it wasn't you."

"Wait, how did you figure it out?"

"I had a strange feeling about you and him....so I made him drunk and asked him."


"He sang like a canary."

I smiled. "Well I'm glad you know now."

Avi nodded. "...uhm...well I guess you should rest, huh?"

I nodded. "I think that would be the best."

Avi mouthed 'oh' and started to walk out.


He turned. "Yeah."

I smiled. "Good to have you back."

Avi grinned and came over. He kissed my cheek and ruffled my messy hair. "Me too."

I smiled and closed my eyes.

I had a feeling tomorrow was going to be a long day.

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