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My mom?
She's a little old woman named Connie. Connie Hoying.
Well she used to be.

Who knows what her last name is now.

I last saw her about ten years ago.

Oh and one more thing.

She's a monster.

"Sc..Scott..! What..What are you doing here?"

"My school is-" I stopped. "Never mind. What are you doing here?"

"I live here."

I blinked. "What?"

"Do you wanna come for tea? I know you love coffee. You loved coffee ever since you were a toddler."

"What are you playing at, Connie?"

"Now Scott let's talk manners"

"MANNERS? You wanna talk about manners, okay. Let's see how leaving your ten year old son and corrupted husband is considered 'manners'."

"Scott honey let me explain"

"You don't have anything to explain about. I don't know you. Let's say today never even happened, hmm?"

"Scott come. Let me at least serve you tea."

"No thank you. Who knows what your new husband is like, considering your type in men."

"Sweetie I didn't remarry. I'm a widow."

"Widow? So you just assume your ex is dead."

"He's dead to me."

"Whatever. You expect me to believe you never remarried?"

"I never did."

"You didn't change a bit, did you Connie?"

"I promise you Milkilangie is nothing like Rick."

"What's up with his name, is he french?"


"Being jewish has nothing to do with having a weird name, Con."

"Yes he's from germany."

"I knew it"

"Milkilangie won't hurt you. He's a sweet man, Scott nothing like your father."

"You shut up about him you're no better. At least he recovered from his fall."

"I saw. He was on the news. What a recovery."

"Shut up."

"What if I refuse?"


"Scott just come. Let me show you what not being with your father is like. You'll never imagine how breathtaking it is."

"I know. And now I know what a human kind of trash you are."

"What are you talking about?"

"I moved out of the Hoying household seven years ago. You never even cared to check."

"You moved out? Wait seven years ago, that's when Rick was the most famous. Why did you leave, you could've had everything you wated."

"Relationships are more than money, sweetheart. It's love. I never loved you both but I helped both of you recover."

"You didn't help me."

"...Do you really think that?"

Connie didn't answer and I stood up from my tree trunk. "Whatever you think, keep it to yourself. I don't care. Just stay out of the way. That's helping. For both me and my father."

"...Do you know why I left?"

"I don't care."

"It's because I loved you, Scott. It's because I cared."

I laughed. The sound echoed around the woods like a bird's call. I walked out of the woman's sight without saying anything.

She was a bitch.

A bastard.

A witch who ruined my life for good.

A motherfucker who scarred my childhood.

I hated her.

I hate her.

I didn't care at all for her.

So why was I crying?

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