Secret's Out

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"What's going on here??"

"Oh Scott honey. I'm so sorry."

"What is it ******"

a lady i couldn't see who it was smiled. "What a pity. I know you loved him a lot.."

"What's going on??"

a demented woman shouted at me.

"You killed him!!"

"Killed who?"

"You killed my son!!!!"

I woke up shrieking.

My bed was drenched with sweat and so was I. I breathed heavily, trying to remember the dream. The lady who pitied me had a blurry face and I couldn't make it out how much I tried.

Also the demented woman with the dead son kinda creeped me out. I shook my head, waking myself up.

"It's only a dream." I said to myself. "It's just a stupid old dream caused by my over active brain."

"It's okay."


I rolled up into the driveway and got out. I saw Kirstie infront of the school gates with a friend and I lumbered after her.

"KK!" I called.

"Oh hey Scott. What's up?"

I smiled. "Nothing. Just...nightmares."

"Aww. Does little Scotty want KK to kiss him nightnight??" Kirstie ruffled my hair and I pushed her away. "Cut it out!" I squealed.

She laughed. "Hey y'all why don't you go check in with Avi? I saw him this morning and he looked really fed up."

I frowned. "Really?"

"Yeah. Go talk to him."

I nodded. "I should. Thanks. Uhm, where is he?"

Kirstie pointed to the far end of the school. "There, by the green SUV."

And there he was. I smiled and scrambled over.

"Avi!" I called. Avi turned around and saw me. He made a face and turned back around. I blinked.


He didn't answer and I scampered after him. "Avi don't you hear me? Avs!" I reached out to hold his arm but he whipped around and slapped my hand away.


"Get away from me." He said, lowering his brow.

"Avi what's wrong? Why are you mad at me?"

"Get away you dirty rotten boyfriend stealing motherfucker!" He screamed. A lot of the students stared at me. I just stood there, dumbfounded.

".....WHAT?!" I yelped. "No Avi you must be mistaken..."

"Oh I musn't have. How could you..?"

"Avi no, it's not what you think. Let's talk about it, okay? I'm sure I can explain."

"Okay. Explain this. When I went home last night Kevin was standing at the door. I asked him why and he started to cry. With real tears. I asked him 'what's wrong?' and do you know what he said? He said 'I'm sorry'.

-flashback sweethearts-

"Kevin?" Avi called out. "What are you doing here?"

Kevin turned around. He had tears in his eyes and Avi frowned. "Kev? What is it?"

"Oh Avi...." Kevin choked. "I'm so sorry....."

"What is it sweetie?" Avi asked. "Tell me."

"Something terrible has happened..." Kevin sobbed. "Well it happened a few weeks ago but...but still........"

"Tell me!" Avi urged. "Come on, what is it?"

".....I can't come in between you and Scott...I just felt so bad about it and wanted to come."

"You did well, what is it??"

"....Scott fucked me, Avi." Kevin sobbed, falling to the ground. "That night...when you and I were really drunk....? He grabbed me down and tied me up and fucked me. Fucked me hard..."

-back to reality gurrrlllllss-

"What??" I yelped. "No that's not what happened!"

"So it happened?"


"Stop, Scott. I get what happend."

"No it's not what it seems. Look, I'm really sorry I lied, but you have to trust me on this."

"Stop. I think that's the least you can do to me."


"I never want to see you again."

And he left me, alone and afraid.

Just then my phone rang. I picked it up to see a text message.

From Kevin.

secret's out.

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