2- Do i know you?

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(picture of jayden above)

I checked the time on my phone, 7:30 it read. I have 30 minutes till I close and can get back home.

work has been dead. One person came in today and didn't buy anything. Should i just close up and- my thoughts were  interrupted by someone walking through the door-well-two people.

"Welcome to Jimmy's Music, everything in the store is half off, were also closing in like 30 minutes so take your time." i said half halfheartedly because i had my heart set on closing up now. i didn't even bother to look up to see who came in, i just heard two male voices.

I tuned back into my music which was now "The light behind your eyes" by MCR. i sang along quietly until i heard someone else singing perfectly to the song. I know that voice..it sounds like- i looked up to see Gerard Way and Frank Iero standing in front of me smiling.

"You're Frank Iero and Gerard Way!" i said in disbelief.

"I'm guessing you're a fan?" Gerard smiled.  "whats youre name, love?" i nodded and looked over at frank who was staring at me sort of creepily.

"You guys are my favorite band! i cant believe you're actually in front of me! My names Jayden." i said.

"Thanks!" said Gerard "you know you're really beautiful" he finished. i blushed and smiled.

"im really not but-" i was cut off by frank.

"Gerard, we've been in here for like 25 minutes, let the girl close up. lets go." he practically pulled  Gerard out of the store.

Franks P.O.V

"what the hell man!" Gerard yelled when we got out of the store.

"I have a plan" i said smirking. i had a feeling that Gerard knew what this little 'plan' was.

Jaydens P.O.V

That was.. weird. I thought.

starstruck, i decided to close up shop seeing that it was nearly 8:15 now.  i closed up and walked outside starting my walk home. Ever since i was little ive had a sixth sense i guess you could say and right now, my spidey senses were tingling. thats when i heard it. footsteps behind me.i acted like i didnt hear them in hopes that whoever it was would walk away until i felt someone grab me and put a cloth over my mouse. my mind went into panic and logic mode, which was not a good mix. okay jay, youve read enough fanfictions to know NOT TO BREATHE IN just act like it worked and strike later!

so that's exactly what I did. I went limp and heard two familiar voices.

"It's okay love, just go to sleep". Gerard cooed.

"Did you get her?" Frank called.

"Yep!" Gerard replied as if kidnapping was normal. He picked me up and rushed me over to a car from what I could tell by slightly opening my eyes just enough to see.

He placed me in the black car and sat next to me leaving Frank to drive.
What happens now? I couldn't just wake up and be like Hey guys where are we going BAM and knock everyone out. I decided that from reading fanfic, I could handle this, right?

Desert Song-A mcr kidnappingWhere stories live. Discover now