He's not the one you want

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We were sitting outside of billies house.
"Ready?" I said to Mikey.
"As I'll ever be" he rely getting out of the car.

I knocked on the white wooden door. Within moments, Billie opened the door almost anxiously. Mikey and I smiled at him as he invited us in hugging me and shaking Mikeys hand. They new each other from being on tour together.
"So explain" he said sitting down and motioning for us to do the same. We sat down and I explained everything to him. Even the part about Frank. As soon as I finished he looked at Mikey and stared yelling.

"YOU LET YOUR BROTHER AND BANDMATE STEAL MY BEST FRIEND!?" By now Billie was attempting to punch Mikey before I intervened.

"He's not the one you want. The rest are. The three of them did horrible things to me that I will never forget. Mikey was the only one who actually did something about it. Gave me food, water, held me when I cried, made sure none of my injuries got infected or worse, and helped me escape." I grabbed Mikeys hand while talking and smiled at him.

"I'm sorry, thank you for taking care of her man." Billie sighed and shook Mikey's free hand. "Where are you guys staying?" He asked sitting back down.

"I got an apartment in New York City believe it or not" Mikey laughed.
My eyes went wide

"You got a house in the city? Is it nice? Can we go there now?" I said smiling up at Mikey whilst pulling on his hand like a child.

"Of course"

We all bid our farewells and Mikey and I were on our way into the city (*cough* toseeamarchingband *cough*)
Time skip: arrived at apartment

We all bid our farewells and Mikey and I were on our way into the city (*cough* toseeamarchingband *cough*)Time skip: arrived at apartment

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We went up and elevator that led to a hall with a single door at the end.
Mikey grabbed the handle and opened it to reveal a.. Art studio that has been converted into a home.

"It's not the best, but I lived here for a while and yeah..it's cozy."he laughed.

I looked around at all the different knick-knacks and art. There was a kitchen and a bathroom, and the rest looked like a living room

"Where's the bed?" I asked.

"There's that futon but it's uncomfortable. And I have an air mattress that I used. You can you that. I'll use the futon." He said getting the air mattress from underneath the futon.

"No you don't have to. I'm sure we can both fit on the mattress." I said.

"True." He smiled

So this is it. My new life in the city, the the bass player of my favorite band who kidnapped me. I'm starting to feel happy here. It's homey.

Gah sorry for not updating. And I know how cliché it is to have Jayden be best friends with Billie, but I thought it'd me so much easier to just throw a character that most people already know in there instead of creating a new one.
Signing off

Desert Song-A mcr kidnappingWhere stories live. Discover now