Moving In

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It's been a few weeks since we've moved in and Frank's attitude has changed, he's sneaky and   quiet. He isn't  thee same at all he's hugged me once and  kissed my cheek once, it's like he fell out of love with me, mikey swears nothings wrong and that makes me suspect something is really going  on. Most importantly every time franks on his phone he turns it away from me, he  also goes out a  lot and comes back looking suspicious  and sloppy, i'm almost positive  he's cheating.

    So tonight when frank's asleep, i'm going to take his  phone, i know that it's horrible and  unfaithful to do, but i can't  deal with it  anymore.

Time skip

I checked the time with my phone  1:46am  it read. I quietly get out of bed  and got franks phone off the bedside table and  made my way to the bathroom and  locked the door.

Knowing frank his password was something easy so i typed in 1234 and it unlocked "what a surprise" i whispered i immediately when to messages and what do you know, the last person texted was named "Jamia" and he sent her "i love you baby goodnight, i'll see you tomorrow ;)"

I felt tears escape my eyes and roll down my cheeks. I continued to read through their messages. I was numb and in shock, i felt my whole world crumble down.

coincidentally mikey had just texted.

"Hey man, it's important, you up?" he texted.

"Yeah whats up?" i decided to catfish him for a while.

"I think Jayden knows about jamia" he typed back. If only he knew.

This outraged me and i started crying more, now slightly audible.

How could he know about this and not tell me. I felt betrayed.

"Yeah she knows, i have to go mikey, go to bed, goodnight."


I didn't know what to do, i felt like i had no one, lilian and jessie got into a huge fight and moved out and when their separate ways, and frank and mikey betrayed me.

Suddenly a thought popped its way into my head, and it seemed like my only hope.

I searched through frank's contacts and luckily found the right one i clicked call and within a few rings i heard a voice i haven't heard for so long, it was raspy and surprised.

"Frank?" they said.

"No, its jayden, i need your help, ill explain soon, but i need you to pick me up, are you in jersey by any chance?"

"Oh my god..why-yeah i'm in jersey, send me your location, i'll pick you up." they sounded rushed and happy, god i hope i dint make a bad decision. They hung up and i texted them my location and my own phone number. They texted back that they'd be there in 35 minutes, thankfully.

I packet up a few sentimental things i had and went to the kitchen and sat down to write a note. I wanted to keep it brief.

"I can't believe you both, i guess jamia can take my fucking place"

I left that in the counter along with frank phone. I picked up my bag and went to sit outside. I got a text that said "Be there in ten." i lit a cigerette and began nervously tapping my foot.

Something was bound to go wrong. Suddenly the door opened and i was a startled mikey walk out.

"What are you doing out here?"


"Why do you have a bag"

"Im going somewhere"


"To see and old friend"


"So jamia can move in so frank can live happily."

"So you know?"


"Who's picking you up"

"Does it matter?"


I got a text

"I'm here"

That was immediately followed by headlights pulling into our driveway

"Im gonna see who it is just incase" mikey said.

I put out my cigarette and let out a sigh "go back inside mikey this doesnt concern you.

I got up and made my way to the car and opened the door quickly and locked the door.

Mikey had now made his way to the driver's side and used his phone to illuminate the face of the driver.

He started yelling as soon as he realized who it was. He was banging on the window. I opened the window slightly and yelled

"Im sorry mikey...i cant."

I looked over to the man behind the wheel and said "Drive"

okay its been a while but we made it, im sorry, winter/fall arent good moths for me, and a lot of heartbreak has been happening and i havent had the motivation, but im trying, and also i have nothing against jamia i honestly love her so much, i met her in august. so yeah

signing off



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