Ashes to ashes

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I can't exactly tell time here, but I know well enough that it's been way over a month.

I had barely any sanity left.
Mikey was the only one there for me. We were watching a movie in his room. I had to keep yelling "in pain" so Gerard thought Mikey was hurting me.

"Hey mikes?" I said
"How longs it been since Frank left?"
"Maybe 4-5 months? Why?"
"4 or 5?! He lied to me!" I started crying. I knew he'd do this. He promised.
"Woah whoah whats going on? Why does it matter?"
I explained everything.
He got up and pulled out two duffle bags from his closest.
"Finishing what Frank started. It's not fair what he did. We can do this together. I'd miss you too much if you went with Frank."
We spent an house silently packing what we needed which was a lot of Money, clothes that would fit both of us, food, and some of Mikeys personal things like photo albums and stuff. We were ready to go. We just needed to wait till midnight.
"Wait one more thing!" Mikey said opening a drawer and pulling out a phone. My phone.
"Gerard made me keep this away from you but take it now. Just don't open it until we're safe. I don't want you getting distracted." I put it in my bag and sat on his bed continuing to watch the movie.

"Ready?" Mikey asked pulling open his window.
"As I'll ever be" I took his hand and out we went.
Mikey had car keys already so we just jumped in the car and silently drove off.

"So what's the game plan?" I said letting out a breath.
"Get a house, be safe, stay low." He said grabbing my hand.
I remembered my phone. I had 96 missed calls from billie along with 38 from jimmy. I saw the date.
December 12, 2014
It couldn't be.. I got taken on March 22nd, 2013. This can't be the date...almost two years?
"Two years?" I whisper to myself.
"What was that?" Mikey said looking at me.
"I'ts been two years since I've been outside" I said in a shock. Mikey had a look of shame then went back to driving.
I needed to talk to someone other than Mikey, no offense to him. I called billie. He answered on the third ring
"Hello?" His voice was scratchy and he sounded like he's given up on everything.
"Hey, billie boy.." I said acting casual.
"who is this? Why are you calling me by my old nickname? And most importantly why do you have my friends phone? She's been gone fore two years. Dead maybe." He sounded pissed.
"Billie I'm not dead." I said confused as to how he doesn't recognize my voice.
"Jayden?" He sounded so hopeful.
"The one and only" I smiled.
He hung up.
"Wow." I said.
You'd think he'd care.
FaceTime call from Billie🦀
I answered of course.
"Jayden.."He said. He sounded so depressed and alone. He looked like an abused puppy.
I just smiled.
"Where have you been? We sent the police out TI find you but they couldn't find a thing. What happened? Why do you have a black eye? You look like shit! Where are you? Come to my house." He said not putting two and two together.
"Billie, I was kidnapped and abused. That's all I'm explaining now. We escaped though. It's been a roller coaster."
"We? Who else is there?" He said.
I looked at Mikey and he just shook his head and said that we'll be back in town in an hour so I should wait.
"I'll be at your house in like an hour. I'll tell you and show you then. Thanks for not giving up on me."
"See you soon"
-30 minutes later-
"So what do we tell him?" Mikey asked nervously.
"The truth. You helped me. He's really going to hate Gerard Ray and Frank. Nothing will happen to you, don't worry." I said grabbing into his hand.
It felt right.
But there still was a void in my heart.

Desert Song-A mcr kidnappingWhere stories live. Discover now